Raritan Valley Community College awards Associate of Arts degrees (A.A.), Associate of Science degrees (A.S.), Associate of Fine Arts degrees (A.F.A.), Associate of Applied Science degrees (A.A.S.), and certificates to students who have completed approved programs.
Satisfaction of associate degree requirements is measured by the sequence of courses taken and the number of credits earned, not by the length of time it takes to complete them. Except in a very few programs with external accreditation or special exemptions, each associate degree program requires 60 credits of coursework. Although associate degree programs are designed to be completed in two years (four consecutive semesters of full-time enrollment), the actual amount of time needed by particular students will vary depending upon the program in which they are enrolled, their ability to maintain a full course load, and their academic preparation. The College does offer courses during summer and winter sessions to help students expedite their progress. Academic preparedness in English and Math is determined according to the College’s placement policies, which rely on the results of standardized tests such as NJSLA (PARCC), SAT, ACT, and AP exams, as well as the College’s placement tests. A small number of math-intensive programs (Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics) require students to be calculus-ready in the first semester, which may extend the time to completion for some students.

Learning Options
Raritan Valley Community College offers different types of learning options:
• In-person campus classes, offered days, evenings and weekends
• Web-based asynchronous online classes
• Remote Synchronous courses featuring remote (online) classroom instruction, where students interact with professors and classmates virtually on a specific day and time
• Hybrid classes, partly in-person and partly online, where students come to campus for in-person hands-on activities on a specific day with additional assignments/activities that are web-based/online

Transfer Programs (A.A., A.S., A.F.A.)
In general, transfer programs are designed for students who are planning a career that requires at least four years of college preparation. Upon completion of an associate degree program at RVCC, students are prepared for transfer into the junior year of baccalaureate study at a four-year college.

Career Programs (A.A.S.)
Career programs are designed primarily to prepare students for direct entry into a career field upon completion of their studies. This degree is not intended for transfer, though transfer is possible. The number of credits acceptable for transfer depends on the program taken at the College and the transfer institution.

Certificate Programs
The College offers a number of certificate programs that provide specialized training for occupational preparation. Most certificate offerings can be completed by full-time students in one year.

Dual Majors
Students are permitted to pursue a double major provided that they have met with an academic advisor. The student will receive curriculum information for both programs and will be advised of additional admission requirements.

Online Learning
RVCC offers 150+ online and hybrid courses, including almost 50 general education courses. Online courses feature instruction that requires limited or no physical presence on campus. For example, on campus testing may be required. Hybrid courses, where class time is divided between traditional classroom or lab activities and online instruction, combine the convenience of online courses with the personal attention of classroom interaction. Hybrid courses generally feature 49 percent of instruction offered online, with 51 percent of instruction in a traditional classroom setting. In addition, some traditional classes may require an online component. The College also offers a limited number of Remote Synchronous SYNC courses featuring remote classroom instruction, where students interact with professors and classmates virtually on a specific day and time.
RVCC offers the following degree programs which can be completed entirely online (online asynchronous and/or remote synchronous):
- A.A., Communication Studies in Liberal Arts
- A.S., Criminal Justice
- A.S., General Business option in Business Administration
- A.A. in Liberal Arts
- A.S., International Business option in Business Administration
- A.S., Marketing option in Business Administration
- A.S., Supply Chain Management option in Business Administration
- A.A.S. in Accounting
- Certificate in Paralegal Studies
- Certificate in Supply Chain Management
In addition, the following degree programs offer the opportunity to complete at least 85 percent of the courses online (online asynchronous and/or remote synchronous):
- A.A.S. in Accounting Information Systems
- A.S. in Business Administration - General Business Option
- A.S. in Business Administration - International Business Option
- A.S. in Business Administration - Management Information Systems
- A.S. in Business Administration - Marketing Option
- A.A.S. in Business Management - Financial Services Option
- A.A.S. in Business Management - General Business Option
- A.A.S. in Business Management - International Business Option
- A.A. in English
- A.S. in Mathematics
- A.A. in Social Sciences
- A.A.S. in Paralegal Studies
- Certificate in Fitness Specialist
- Certificate in Medical Assistant

The Honors College
The Honors College is intended for highly qualified high school graduates entering college for the first time. In addition, the Honors College accepts select transfer applicants, including current RVCC students, with a minimum 3.50 grade point average. Honors College graduates often have the opportunity to transfer to highly selective four-year colleges and universities. Honors College graduates are able to transfer credits earned at RVCC and enter most four-year colleges with junior-year status.
Honors College classes are smaller and are taught by a select group of faculty. Admission is competitive, so students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. For application materials and procedures, visit the Honors College section of the RVCC website.
Honors Program
The Honors Program offers qualified students the opportunity to take challenging classes that will be documented on their transcript and may enhance their chances for admission to select four-year colleges.
Students may choose from a variety of Honors opportunities:
- Honors courses: Honors courses in different academic disciplines are offered each semester. Honors courses offer sophisticated uses of research, introduce stimulating readings from varied sources, promote diverse approaches to writing, and encourage independent study.
- Honors Options: Some regular courses offer an Honors Option, which often includes an Honors-level project within a non-Honors course.
- Honors Achievement Award: This award acknowledges students who have successfully completed 15 or more credits of Honors and/or Honors Option courses.
The Honors Program and its courses are open not only to current RVCC students, but also to recent high school graduates, high school seniors in advanced placement programs, and transfer students from other colleges. The general requirement for Honors courses and Honors Option courses is either a minimum grade point average of 3.5 or the permission of the instructor or department chair. Some courses carry additional requirements. For further information about the Honors Program and about the specific courses offered each semester, see the RVCC website.

Cooperative Work Experience
A cooperative education experience, commonly known as a “co-op,” provides academic credit for a structured job or internship experience that is related to a student’s area of study and is supervised by a Faculty Co-op Coordinator. The Manager of Career Success & Experiential Learning can help students prepare for and obtain a co-op. International students must first speak with the Advisor of International Students.
Upon approval, students will register and pay for the co-op class. Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit by working 10 to 15 hours per week, participating in periodic semester meetings, and completing their co-op course assignments. Co-ops can be paid or unpaid. Students work a minimum of 135 hours per semester to earn 3 academic credits (a minimum of 45 hours/semester for 1 academic credit). Specific requirements will vary depending on individual department guidelines.
The Co-op Experience at RVCC:
- Integrates classroom learning with relevant work experience
- Earns credits toward an Associate Degree or Certification
- Helps confirm a student’s major and career interest
- Increases a student’s educational motivation and academic direction
- Develops marketable skills and a competitive resume
- Establishes contacts with employers in a student’s chosen field
- Provides an understanding of what is expected in the workplace
- Helps a student learn how to write a resume, cover letter, and interview for the job
Eligible students are enrolled in a program of study at RVCC, have completed 12 college credits or have the permission of the Manager of Career Success & Experiential Learning, and are a full-time or part-time student in good academic standing (minimum 2.0 GPA). Please note: Students are NOT placed in an internship or their co-op; the Career Success Office assists students with the preparation and search process.
To learn more about co-ops, contact the Manager of Career Success & Experiential Learning, Dr. Alicia Hermo-Weaver, at Alicia.hermo-weaver@raritanval.edu.

Internships & Cooperative Education
Internships and co-ops, otherwise known as experiential education, are a window into the world of professional work. They offer a chance to take a risk-free career test drive and an opportunity to explore possible career choices. Co-ops and internships can add more meaning to academic study by giving students the chance to apply theories learned in class to “real life” situations.
Raritan Valley Community College offers a comprehensive college-wide internship and co-op program. Participants are able to:
- Explore career choices and gain work experience in their current field of interest
- Apply their classroom learning to real work situations and challenges
- Become a more marketable candidate when they enter the workforce on a full-time basis
- Learn networking skills and how to build valuable business contacts
- Develop valuable job search abilities and soft skills in such areas as communication, problem-solving, organizing, prioritizing, and much more
- Have an opportunity to experiment with possible career interests
- Work one-on-one with a Career Professional to receive personalized career preparation and strategies to build professional development and career readiness skills
An internship is considered a highly important criterion when employers seek to hire a new employee. Students are encouraged to begin the internship preparation and search process when they have completed at least 12-15 credit hours at RVCC, are in good academic standing, and have a desire to start exploring possible careers of interest. Internships vary from short-term projects designed to meet a company’s needs to positions that last a full semester and beyond. The length of an internship is limited by a company’s needs and budget, as well as a student’s interest and schedule.
Similar to an internship, a cooperative education experience, commonly known as a “co-op,” provides academic credit for a structured job experience that is supervised by a Faculty Co-op Coordinator. The co-op is a course that requires approval before registering. Students cannot register online. Locating an internship is the student’s responsibly. The Coordinator of Internship & Cooperative Education will provide students with assistance to prepare for their internship search process.
Participating in either an internship or “co-op” will help students gain confidence about their choice of academic major or future career. Students are encouraged to start the preparation process of seeking an internship or co-op early.
To make an appointment or for additional information, contact the Manager of Career Success & Experiential Learning at Alicia.hermo-weaver@raritanval.edu.

The Pray Family Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement
The Pray Family Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement at Raritan Valley Community College provides students with the exciting opportunity of serving in the community and receiving academic credit for their efforts. Students enrolled in courses that offer service learning get involved in a community service activity that relates to their coursework. Students reflect on their experience either through journals, essays, reflective papers, group discussions or in-class presentations.
Students receive many benefits from their participation in service learning experiences. It enriches academic learning; develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills; improves communication, writing and life skills; enhances career development; contributes to a sense of civic responsibility; and fosters an appreciation of people with diverse backgrounds and life situations.
The Pray Family Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement has established placements with numerous nonprofits, K-12 public schools and government agencies in Somerset and Hunterdon counties where students can serve the community. Students get involved in many different helping activities that address issues of public concern including hunger, homelessness, literacy, environment, disabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse, child care, health, nutrition, animal welfare, and legal aid/law, to name a few. Activities can be direct service to individuals or indirect service and advocacy work for organizations.
Examples include:
- Tutoring and mentoring young children and youth
- Serving meals to the homebound
- Providing recreational activities and companionship to the elderly and disabled
- Helping with marketing and social media campaigns
- Assisting with event planning and management
- Helping with recycling, beach and stream clean-up initiatives
For additional information about the Service Learning Program, contact: service.learning@raritanval.edu