Advising, Counseling and Transfer Services
Academic Advising
Every student is encouraged to utilize the academic advisement and counseling services provided by the school. Academic Advisors can identify courses needed to fulfill RVCC graduation requirements and assist students with their choice of major and long-term academic planning. Students can meet advisors by appointment, walk in during posted Drop-In Hours, or at workshops and special events. Students can obtain an appointment with an advisor the following ways: Bookings link, email acts@raritanval.edu, or call 908-256-1200, extension 8336
Personal/Mental Health Counseling
Counselors provide students with the opportunity to discuss, in confidence, any personal or social problems such as stress-related issues, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, adjustment disorder, etc. Counseling staff seeks to help students develop the ability to cope with and solve problems independently. When appropriate, the counselors will assist students via referrals to mental health centers, substance abuse treatment, or other community resources. Any student in distress or aware of a student in distress should contact Advising, Counseling and Transfer Services in the lower level of the Library.
Students can meet counselors by appointment virtually or in person, walk in during posted Drop-In Hours, or at workshops and special events. Students can obtain an appointment with a counselor by emailing personalcounseling@raritanval.edu or by calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8336.

Career Success & Experiential Learning
Career counseling, planning and support are available to all current students and alumni in person and remotely. The Career Success office has a Career Counselor who specializes in helping students make decisions through a process of self-discovery. The Counselor helps students identify their skills, interests, and motivations, and educates students on how to build their career readiness to determine the best paths to professional success. The Counselor also assists students with connecting their educational experiences to meaningful opportunities for exploring career fields.
To make an appointment with the Career Counselor, call (908) 526-1200, extension 8334, or e-mail Carrie.rafanello-bazar@raritanval.edu.
Information about different careers, including salary surveys, educational requirements, skills needed for success and occupational demand and growth, can be accessed through the Lion’s Den portal. The Career Success web page also houses many resources including a video library and FOCUS, an interactive, web-based system for career and educational planning. Career related programs and meetups are held throughout the year on selected career topics such as resume writing, interviewing, internship and job search preparation, social media and networking for the job search, career exploration, alumni connections, mentorship programs, and employer connections.
Information about internships and full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions is available through the online job board where opportunities are posted by area employers. Through RVCC’s partnership with the College Central Network, students can search for a job or internship, as well as post their resume for viewing by potential employers. Additional details can be found in the Lion’s Den portal or on the Career Success website. The Career Success Advisor can be reached by calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8338 or via e-mail at Michelle.amparbin@raritanval.edu.
Students can receive assistance with resume writing, interviewing, professional branding, job shadowing, mentoring, and internship and job search techniques via online resources or individual appointments.
Information about internship and co-op possibilities can be found on the College website or by calling the Manager of Career Success & Experiential Learning, Dr. Alicia Hermo-Weaver, at (908) 526-1200, extension 8213 or via email at Alicia.hermo-weaver@raritanval.edu.
For further information about internships and co-ops, please refer to the Internships & Cooperative Education section.

Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Education (Disability Services)
Raritan Valley Community College is committed to providing equal access for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) of 2008 and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. An individual with a disability who is qualified for admission will have the same access to programs, services, and activities as all other students. Raritan Valley Community College will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity, or pose an undue administrative or financial burden. The College will provide services in a manner that promotes independence and inclusion in all aspects of College life.
Students with documented disabilities may apply for appropriate academic accommodations through the Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Education. Students should contact the office directly for information regarding documentation requirements and intake procedures: (908) 526-1200, extension 8534 or email caie@raritanval.edu.
Information about academic accommodations at RVCC can be found on www.raritanval.edu/caie.
In order to use designated Accessible Parking Spaces on campus, students must obtain parking tags from the NJ Department of Motor Vehicles.

Educational Opportunity Fund
The Raritan Valley Community College Educational Opportunity Fund Program (RVCC EOF) is a state-funded program that provides students who can demonstrate a history of financial need access to financial assistance and student support services. RVCC EOF is committed to providing financial support through the EOF grant and comprehensive student support services necessary to help EOF Scholars achieve academic success, foster personal growth, and promote career development. Services focus on effectively preparing scholars to continue their education at a four-year institution or enter the workforce and become successful skilled citizens.
RVCC EOF attracts a diverse student population, including recent high school graduates, non-traditional age students, transfers from other institutions, and parents. Incoming EOF Scholars may be required to attend the EOF Orientation (a week before fall classes begin). The orientation is designed to provide new scholars with a base knowledge of what they can expect from RVCC EOF, get them motivated before they begin their college journey, help them understand what is expected from a college student, as well as introduce them to key players that will assist in the student support services that RVCC EOF provides.
To qualify for EOF an applicant must:
- Be a US citizen, permanent resident, or Dreamer
- Have earned a high school diploma or the equivalent
- Have resided in New Jersey for at least one year prior to entering the program
- Be eligible for EOF per the NJFAMS/HESAA website (www.njfams.hesaa.org)
- Demonstrate economic eligibility, evaluated on the New Jersey State eligibility scale
- Be willing to maintain full-time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours per semester)
To apply for EOF an applicant must:
- Complete the RVCC application
- Complete the FAFSA or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application
- Complete the RVCC EOF application
- Submit two years of parent taxes (current FAFSA year and one year prior)
- Submit an unofficial high school transcript
- Submit a letter of recommendation
- Submit a one-page essay informing EOF staff of their academic goals
Students who have questions or want to meet with EOF staff should send an email to EOF@raritanval.edu or click on the following link to make an appointment.

Office of Student Life
The classroom experience is only one segment of the available education at Raritan Valley Community College. The cultural, recreational, and governmental activities and functions at the College are equally important. By sharing in these activities, students have the opportunity to develop many personal and career skills.
Student life develops according to student interest. While the selection, planning, and administration of these activities depend on the interest, time, organization, and effort of the students, assistance is provided by the Office of Student Life.

Testing Center
The Testing Center conducts placement and competency testing for the College. The tests given include: ESL, English, mathematics, foreign language, and technological competency assessments. The Testing Center also proctors make-up exams, tests for online courses, CLEP, and DSST. Photo identification is required in order to test.

Veteran Services
Raritan Valley Community College is approved for the enrollment of veterans and survivors or dependents of veterans under Title 38 of the U.S. Code and selected reservists under Title 10 of the U.S. Code.
RVCC provides current and prospective service members with the tools they need to succeed. From the application process to graduation, the College takes a proactive approach to the educational process and helps students connect with the necessary campus and off-campus resources, as well as other service members. Academic advising, personal counseling, and veteran benefit administration are among the services provided. More information about Veterans Services can be found on the RVCC website or by calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8452.
Veterans’ Benefits:
Students who plan to attend Raritan Valley Community College under one of several Veterans Administration programs should contact the VA Certifying Official located in the lower level of the Library. Any covered individual who is entitled to receive educational assistance under Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness or Employment or Chapter 33, Post 911 GI Benefits who plans to attend RVCC must provide a Certificate of Eligibility or Statement of Benefits to the Office of Veteran Services.
In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection(e) of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Raritan Valley Community College will not impose a penalty on any student using veterans’ educational benefits under Chapter 31 (Veteran Readiness and Employment), or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Raritan Valley Community College will not prevent the student from attending or participating in the course of education during periods in which there is a delayed disbursement; assess late payment fees if the financial obligation is fully funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); require the student to secure alternative or additional funding for delayed disbursements; or deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.
Post-9/11 GI Bill® veterans will have tuition and fee payments deferred provided that they submit a Certificate of Eligibility, complete the request for benefits form, and provide College requirements no later than the first day of the term. Students will be responsible for any account balance remaining after Veterans Administration payments have been received.
Veterans are required to submit required documents to the College’s Certifying Official each semester prior to being certified for benefits. More information about Veterans Services can be found on the RVCC website, or call (908) 526-1200, extension 8452.