Jan 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Rules & Regulations

Alcohol & Drugs

It is a violation of this policy to, use, possess, manufacture, sell, trade, distribute, or dispense, and/or be under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, marijuana, cannabis or other intoxicants while on College property and/or at any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events; while conducting College business or representing the College; and/or in the course of any College activity, except at College functions where prior alcohol distribution has been approved for consumption at events by the food service vendor. Unauthorized use, misuse, or abuse of prescription medication during employment is also prohibited.

Prescription and over the counter drugs are not prohibited when taken in standard dosage and/or according to a physician’s prescription. Any employee taking prescribed or over-the-counter medications will be responsible for consulting the prescribing physician to ascertain whether the medication may interfere with safe performance of their job. If use of a medication could compromise the safety of the employee, fellow employees, students, or the public, it is the employee’s responsibility to use appropriate personnel procedures (e.g., call in sick, use leave, request a change of duty, notify supervisor, etc.) to avoid unsafe workplace practices. The provisions of this policy apply to all applicants and employees of the College, including student workers, and to all consultants, contractors, and other individuals performing work for the College or on College property.

While New Jersey has decriminalized cannabis, instituted a state-wide program allowing people with certain enumerated medical conditions to legally obtain medicinal cannabis, and now permits adults aged 21 or older to possess and consume certain quantities of cannabis recreationally, the federal laws concerning cannabis have not changed. Under the Controlled Substances Act, cannabis is still categorized as a Schedule One Drug, which is defined as a drug with no current medical use and that has a high potential for abuse and addiction. Therefore, the use, possession, manufacture, sale, trade, distribution, dispensing, and/or being under the influence of cannabis/marijuana while on College property and/or at any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events; while conducting College business or representing the College; and/or in the Course of any College activity is prohibited.

If a student or employee is found to be in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the Department of Campus Safety will contact appropriate authorities. Persons violating these policies will be subject to all applicable civil and criminal penalties and the College disciplinary procedure.

New Jersey’s “Opioid Antidote and Overdose Protection Act” (P.L. 2013, c.46) is a law that encourages individuals to report drug overdose/seek medical assistance by granting immunity from arrest and prosecution for use or simple possession to both the caller and the person experiencing an overdose. It also grants immunity to those who administer the overdose antidote, Naloxone, to revive a person. Similarly, the “9-1-1 Lifeline Legislation” (N.J. P.L. 2009, c133) lets underage drinkers report alcohol poisoning without fear of prosecution. These laws are designed to save lives.

Through the Office of Advising, Counseling and Transfer Services, students can receive assistance dealing with substance abuse and referrals for community resources. All contacts are confidential.

Address and Telephone/Cellphone Required

A student is required to maintain a current address of residence and telephone/cellphone on file in the Student Enrollment Center.

  • Students who move should report the change in person to the Student Enrollment Center within 5 business days, complete Residency or Telephone Information Change form, and provide photo ID and any two forms of identification (current lease or deed, utility bill, bank statement, credit card bill, phone bill, postmarked correspondence, and voter’s registration card).
  • Telephone/Cellphone changes only require the Residency or Telephone Information Change form.

Animals on Campus

People may not bring animals onto the College campus, or any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events, with the exception of service animals used by individuals that require their assistance. A service or guide dog trainer, while engaged in the actual training process, shall have the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities with respect to access to public facilities as are applicable to a person with a certified disability. For more information, contact the Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Education in the lower level of the Library L-029, (908) 526-1200, extension 8418.

Appeals of College Policy: Academic Concerns and Complaints

Students with complaints and concerns about the classroom should first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor in writing. Failing a satisfactory resolution, the student should consult with the appropriate department chairperson in writing. Should the student not be satisfied with the results of that discussion, the student may send a written request to the appropriate Division Dean to review the matter. The decision of the Dean is the final appeal.

Appeals of College Policy: Non-Academic

The College establishes policies and procedures for all students. However, there may be times when a situation is unique or different from other students and an exception should be made. This may be particularly true for students with an extended illness or serious family event.  If a student has a situation you feel warrants an exception, they should submit an “Tuition Withdrawal Appeal Form,” which is available from the Office of Enrollment Services on the lower level of the Library. This form should be submitted along with any supporting documentation to the Office of Enrollment Services. A College Appeals Committee meets bi-weekly and will respond to the student in writing once the decision is made.

If the appeal relates to a grade, please see the previous academic appeals section of this catalog. There is a separate procedure for grade appeals and academic complaints.

Bullying and Intimidation

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying in gesture; or any written, verbal or electronic communication that is motivated by actual or perceived characteristics such as race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability, is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may be a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and/or Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. Students should report bullying to the Dean of Student Affairs in College Center room C-143 or Campus Safety on the Lower Level of Somerset Hall.

Children on Campus

Raritan Valley Community College has an obligation to its students, faculty, staff, and visitors to conduct its operations and maintain its facilities in a manner consistent with its mission as an institution of higher education. For this reason, minor children (defined by RVCC as those under 16 years of age) should not be brought to the campus unless they are participating in special activities or courses sponsored by the College or one of its approved business partners.  Minor children may not attend classes with their parent or guardian. There may be occasions when brief visits by children of students may be appropriate.  Children may visit College offices and facilities, other than classrooms, when accompanied by their parent or guardian for limited periods of time when their parent or guardian is conducting routine business at the College.

Minor children should not be unattended in any College facility at any time.  In no case are minor children permitted in labs, construction/repair sites, or other areas where potential hazards exist. Minor children brought on campus must be directly supervised at all times by their parent or guardian.  College staff or Security are not expected to provide supervision of such children.  The College cannot bear any responsibility for minor children left unattended or unsupervised by their parent or guardian.  Should a College employee observe an unattended child, they should attempt to obtain the child’s name and report the situation to Security. Security will then attempt to locate the parent or guardian. Contact Security in the lower level of Somerset Hall (S-010), extension 8800, or 908-231-8800.

Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at www.copyright.gov, especially its FAQs at www.copyright.gov/help/faq.

Dissent and Demonstrations

Any member of the College community or the public is free to express or demonstrate support for, or opposition to, any principle, issue, or action through orderly means that do not violate any College policy or regulation. Such demonstrations must not interfere with or disrupt normal operations of the College or infringe upon the rights and/or freedoms of other members of the College community. 

Emergency Notification

RAVE Mobile Safety Messaging System
The primary emergency notification system for the College is the RAVE Mobile Safety messaging system. It is a voice, e-mail and text messaging emergency-alert system that is used as one means of providing time sensitive distribution of emergency alerts and timely warning of important information. It is used to inform the College community about ongoing threats to College safety and events that may significantly impact the campus. It is also used to disseminate information about weather-related emergencies that cause early dismissal or campus closings. Everyone in the system can receive messages while on campus, traveling to campus, at home or at work. All members of the College community are encouraged to register and update their contact information, which is entered into the RAVE messaging system by the College to receive these important messages.

To receive real-time emergency notifications, safety and crime alerts, students, faculty and staff members should ensure they are enrolled in the RAVE system. To ensure you are enrolled and to update contact information, go to the College website www.raritanval.edu, log into the Lion’s Den and in the search function bar, type in “Campus Closing.” You can then update or edit your information by clicking on the “Update Your Campus Closing Contact Information” tile. Messages can be sent to a primary (non-cell) telephone number, cell phone, alternate/work number and an alternate, non-RVCC e-mail address.


The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of education records, establishes the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and provides guidelines for contesting information in these records that is believed to be inaccurate or misleading.

Students have the right to inspect and review all of their education records maintained by the College. The College is not required to provide copies of records unless it is not reasonably convenient for students to inspect their records.

Students have the right to request that the College correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides, in response to such a request, not to amend a student’s record, the student has the right to a formal hearing before the Dean of Student Affairs or a designated official. After the hearing, if the College maintains its position that the student’s record should not be amended, the student has the right to enter a statement into their records commenting on the contested information.

The College will not release any confidential information from a student’s record without the written consent of the student, except for releasing information to:

  • College officials with a legitimate educational interest. An educational interest is legitimate if it exists for the educational benefit of the student. College officials include, but are not limited to, senior-level administrators, academic department chairpersons, and clerical staff
  • Other institutions at which a student intends to enroll
  • Certain government officials for the purpose of carrying out their lawful functions
  • Appropriate parties involved with the awarding of financial aid to a student
  • Organizations conducting appropriate research for the College
  • Accrediting agencies
  • Individuals who have obtained appropriate court orders or subpoenas
  • Persons who have need for the information in cases of health and safety emergencies
  • The host high school of a student participating in the New Jersey Bridge Year Pilot Program (P.L. 2020, c.41), according to the terms specified by the student’s individual learning plan

The College may disclose Directory Information without the written consent of the student. Directory Information includes the following:

  • Name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Dates of attendance
  • Enrollment status
  • Previous institutions attended
  • Major field of study
  • Awards and honors
  • Degrees and/or Certificates awarded, including date of conferral
  • Past and present participation in officially recognized College activities
  • Height and weight of student athletes

Students may request the withholding of Directory Information. To ensure that such a request is properly processed, it must be submitted on the official “Request to Withhold  Directory Information” form, which is available in theStudent Enrollment Center.  The request to withhold information will remain in effect until the student submits a signed authorization for the release of Directory Information, in the presence of an Enrollment Specialist.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. For further information regarding the filing of complaints, students should contact the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202. 

Firearms, Weapons, Explosives, Dangerous Knives, Hazardous Materials

Firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives, destructive devices, fireworks, firecrackers or any item that imitates or is reasonably capable of being mistaken as a weapon, explosives or destructive devices are not permitted on College property. This includes antique firearms, air guns capable of launching a projectile either by propelling force or compressed air, or components that can be assembled into a weapon or explosive devices, whether operable or inoperable.

Gravity knives, switchblade knives, butterfly knives, daggers, stilettos and other dangerous knives are not permitted on College property.

Dangerous weapons including stun guns, blackjacks, bludgeons, metal knuckles and weapons or other devices which project, release or emit tear gas are not permitted on College property.

Unless authorized, hazardous materials are not permitted on Campus property.

Violation of this policy can result in legal prosecution and College administrative action.

Possessing or Carrying Firearms on College Property

While on College property, on-duty law enforcement officers, including non-uniformed officers who are on-duty, must properly secure and conceal firearms at all times.

Off-duty law enforcement officers, who are required to carry a firearm, may possess a firearm while on campus. The firearm shall be properly secured and concealed at all times while on campus, in buildings, parking lots, vehicles or any other College property.

Retired law enforcement officers authorized by law to carry a firearm shall properly secure and conceal the firearm at all times while on campus, in buildings, parking lots or any other College property.

Anyone having a license to carry a concealed firearm who is not related with law enforcement or any type of public safety requiring a firearm, is not permitted to carry any type of firearm on College property, including buildings, parking lots, athletic fields, motor vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, buses and trailers.


In compliance with New Jersey State Laws, gambling is forbidden on campus. Any persons found gambling on campus property may be subject to legal action and College administrative action.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of rules for organizations that process personal information for individuals located in the European Union. It requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of individuals for transactions that occur within the European Union.

Goal: to give EU citizens and others in the EU more control over their personal data, thus making it easier for them to understand how their data is being used, and also to file complaints

Scope of GDPR

  • There is no equivalent of FERPA in the European Union
  • Therefore, while FERPA governs the treatment of student records, GDPR governs the processing of personal data
  • So, FERPA compliance is not sufficient for complying with GDPR because the scope and specific parameters of GDPR are different

Students’ Rights Under GDPR

  • The right to request access to and obtain copies of your data
  • The right to request that your data be rectified
  • The right to restrict use of your data
  • The right to clear and transparent explanations of how your data is being used
  • The right to request erasure of your data (personal data, not academic data), subject to the retention periods specified by federal and state laws

Identification Cards

All students are required to have a valid RVCC identification (ID) card in their possession at all times. This includes times when on College property or at any other location where the College offers courses. A student is required to present their identification card when requested to do so by College personnel and Security staff. Failure to provide a student ID card upon request will result in verification action by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs or the Campus Safety Department. If a person’s identity cannot be verified, the unidentified persons may be asked to leave campus property.   

A student’s ID card is used for access to various College facilities and services, and the Office of Student Life. The student ID card includes a bar-code that is required for use of the College Library, the public libraries in Somerset and Hunterdon Counties, fitness center and RVCC athletic facilities. The Theatre at RVCC offers discounted tickets to students with a valid ID card.


Parking and Traffic

Students may park in lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Students are not allowed to park in the visitor’s lot or in faculty parking lots 2 and 8. Parking in spaces designated for disabled individuals is reserved for vehicles authorized under laws of the State of New Jersey and is monitored by the Branchburg Police Department and Department of Campus Safety.

Parking is prohibited on all roadways, lawns, medians, crosswalks, loading zones, marked emergency fire lanes, emergency phone access spaces or any other areas designated by the College unless authorized by the Campus Safety Department. Overnight parking is prohibited anywhere on campus. Violations of parking regulations are subject to towing. The College is not responsible for any damage to the vehicle if towing was required.

When necessary, a vehicle may be parked on campus overnight, provided the Campus Safety Department is notified and a Waiver of Responsibility is completed.

Only electric vehicles are allowed to park in designated charging stations located in front of the West Building, in Parking Lot 2.

While operating a vehicle on campus, all drivers must drive safely, adhering to posted speed limits, stop signs on campus and must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Driving and parking on campus must always be done safely, maintaining awareness of one’s own and other vehicular driving, pedestrian movement in crosswalks and parked vehicles in parking lots. This includes contractor vehicles and work that may be occurring on Campus.

Operators driving in an unsafe or erratic manner are responsible for any injury, property damage, or loss sustained by a vehicle’s owner/driver while on College property. The College is not responsible for unsafe driving or disregard of directional signage for vehicular safety.

Under New Jersey law, a disabled person may obtain either a special license plate or vehicle placard that provides special parking privileges. To park in a designated  handicap parking area on campus, an individual must have handicap license plates or the placard, which is only provided by the Division of Motor Vehicles or the person’s local police department. Temporary placards can be issued to a person who has temporarily lost mobility as certified by a physician. Placards must be displayed in full view. Any person without a handicap placard properly displayed may receive a parking violation summons from a Law Enforcement authority.


Sales & Solicitation

The College bookstore and food service vendors are the only agencies on campus authorized to sell or solicit on campus. Any others wishing to do so should contact the Director of Student Life.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

It is the policy of RVCC to provide an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. Students are encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, and bullying which cause physical or emotional harm; or create a hostile environment which interferes with their education or their rights as a student. This includes any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, which they perceive as motivated by race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and/or a mental, physical or sensory disability or any other category protected by the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination NJSA 10:5-1 et seq. or Title 7 of the Civil rights act of 1964 which substantially disrupts or interferes with the operation of the College or the rights of a student. If anyone believes they are being harassed, report the situation immediately. If immediate attention is needed, contact Campus Safety by picking up a red phone in the halls or calling (908) 231-8800.

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education, programs and activities. Discrimination under Title IX includes sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.  Confidentiality will always be maintained insofar as it does not interfere with the College’s legal obligation to investigate allegations of misconduct when brought to the College’s attention, and the ability of the College to take corrective action consistent with rights of due process.

It is also the policy of RVCC to prohibit any retaliation or reprisals against any person who reports discrimination or harassment.  Any person who believes they have been subjected to retaliatory actions or reprisals because they reported harassment or discrimination should report those events as set forth below.

All inquiries and complaints should be addressed to Cheryl Wallace, Vice President of Human Resources & Administration and Title IX Coordinator, (908) 526-1200, extension 8260. Personal counselors are available for assistance in the Advising, Counseling and Transfer Office, the lower level of the Library.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

RVCC is a smoke-free and tobacco-free environment.  This includes all tobacco and electronic smoking/vaping devices.  The policy prohibits the use by students, staff, faculty and visitors of tobacco products, vaping devices, electronic cigarettes, or any other form of ingestion of tobacco, cannabis products and smoking anywhere on the College campus, including in buildings and classrooms on the grounds of the campus, in College-leased vehicles, at sporting events or at any other indoor or outdoor event or activity anywhere on campus.

Student Code of Conduct

One of the core values of Raritan Valley Community College is fostering an environment of mutual respect, responsibility, and collaboration.  Upon admission to the College, a student incurs the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the provisions of the RVCC Student Code of Conduct.

The Student Code of Conduct (Code) establishes expectations of behavior for all RVCC students regardless of enrollment status or campus location. The provisions of the Code govern the actions of all students, whether at a College-owned or managed location or at a College-sponsored or supervised function or event. The College reserves the right to take disciplinary action where off-campus offenses are involved and where the interests of the College as an educational community are clearly threatened. The Student Code of Conduct is included in the Student Handbook.

Violations of the Code may result in a student receiving an appropriate penalty.  The Code of Conduct also affords all students appropriate due process during a College disciplinary process.


Weather Closings and Other Delayed Openings

If the College announces a delayed opening at any location due to inclement weather or other emergency situation, all offices will be closed and all College classes and/or other activities will be suspended at that location until the delayed opening time.

Classes scheduled to begin before the delayed opening time that have 60 minutes or more of instruction time remaining at the delayed opening time will begin at the delayed opening time and conclude at the regularly scheduled ending time. Classes scheduled to begin before the delayed opening time that have fewer than 60 minutes of instruction time remaining at the delayed opening time will be canceled. Classes scheduled to begin at or after the delayed opening time will meet as scheduled. Students should sign up for Campus Closing Notifications in the Lion’s Den.

All messages will be sent via the RAVE Mobile Safety Messaging System.