Feb 10, 2025  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Upon registration at Raritan Valley Community College, all students become members of the College community with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities that go with such membership. The student is expected to make satisfactory educational progress, to respect the rights of others, and to know and follow the policies and regulations developed by the College community for the good of the total membership.

Student Code of Conduct

One of the core values of Raritan Valley Community College is fostering an environment of mutual respect, responsibility, and collaboration.

The RVCC Student Code of Conduct (Code) establishes expectations of behavior for all RVCC students regardless of enrollment status or campus location. The provisions of the Code govern the actions of all students, whether at a College-owned or managed location or at a College-sponsored or supervised function or event. The Student Code of Conduct is included in the Student Handbook.

Upon admission to the College, a student incurs the responsibility for becoming familiar with, and abiding by, the provisions of the Code. Violations of the Code may result in a student’s receiving a failing grade on an assignment or in a course, required community service, Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Suspension, Disciplinary Expulsion, or other appropriate penalty.

The Code of Conduct also affords all students appropriate due process.  

The College maintains records of all charges filed against students under the Code, and the disposition of those charges.

Dissent and Demonstrations

Any member of the College community or the public is free to express or demonstrate support for, or opposition to, any principle, issue, or action through orderly means that do not violate any College policy or regulation. Such demonstrations must not interfere with or disrupt normal operations of the College or infringe upon the rights and/or freedoms of other members of the College community.

College Hours

The College designates two-and-a-half hours each week as College hours for College community activities and events: Tuesday and Thursday, 1-2:20 p.m. Students are encouraged to use this free time to participate in extracurricular activities, which include student government meetings, club meetings, intramural sports, College committees, and other College-sponsored functions.

Office of Student Life

The classroom experience is only one segment of the available education at Raritan Valley Community College. The cultural, recreational, and governmental activities and functions at the College are equally important. By sharing in these activities, students have the opportunity to develop many personal and career skills.

Student life at Raritan Valley Community College develops according to student interest. While the selection, planning, and administration of these activities depend on the interest, time, organization, and effort of the students, assistance is provided by the Office of Student Life. Groups of students interested in forming a student organization should consult with the Student Life Office, located on the second floor of the College Center, Room C-205, or contact us at studentlife@raritanval.edu or 908-526-1200, extension 8873. 

Clubs and Organizations

Every student is encouraged to get involved and participate in a variety of activities, including Student Government, leadership development seminars, fine arts and entertainment programming, and membership in student organizations and clubs.

Participating in co-curricular clubs and organizations is a valuable opportunity for RVCC students to develop their skills and experience in such areas as leadership, budgeting, communication, teambuilding, and goal setting. Student organizations covering a wide spectrum of interests exist to meet the needs of students.

Student Government Association - The Student Government Association (SGA) is the student governing body for all enrolled students. As an elected member, a student has the opportunity to apply leadership skills and to work on programs and activities that contribute to College life. SGA members play an important role in College-wide governance as members of College standing committees, including the College-wide Forum.

The student government is responsible for the allocation process of distributing student activity funds to student clubs. These clubs and organizations prepare budgets to fund a variety of student activities, such as concerts, films, publications, dances, seminars, trips and community service programs.

RVCC Student Ambassadors - Ambassadors assist in facilitating various promotional activities at the College, such as Commencement, Campus Experience Day, Open Houses, ROARS, etc.

Honor Societies

Alpha Beta Gamma - An International Business Honor Society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among business, computer science, and communication majors at two-year colleges.

Phi Theta Kappa - Phi Theta Kappa is a prestigious international honor society for community college students. Its membership is composed of RVCC students who have completed 12 credits with at least a 3.50 G.P.A., who are interested in community involvement, academic achievement, and social activities.

“The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.”

Psi Beta - A psychology honorary society that promotes the professional development of psychology students through promotion and recognition of excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service.

Sigma Kappa Delta - English Language honorary that confers distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in two-year institutions of higher education.


American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) - The ASID is a professional organization for interior designers, students, and professionals involved in interior design and related fields. Through education, knowledge, sharing, advocacy, community building and outreach, our student chapter strives to advance the interior design profession.

Anthropology Club - Organizes and promotes discussions about the subject of anthropology and its subfields as they relate to culture and global understanding.

Astronomy Club - Promotes an interest in the science and hobby of astronomy by providing a forum for like-minded people to interact and learn from each other and to share their expertise with those who would benefit from it.

Criminal Justice Club - Plans activities related to the College’s Criminal Justice program, with opportunities to discuss issues pertinent to the field. Law enforcement agencies provide networking opportunities and career information.

Education Club (Student Education Association Lion’s Club) - The S.E.A. Lion’s Club exists to prepare well-informed future educators and to explore ways that club members can contribute to the educational community.

Engineering Club - Consists of students interested in pursuing engineering and other science-related fields, such as architecture, engineering technology, CAD, physics, computer science, and others.

Event Planning Club - Provides students interested in pursuing a career as an event planner an opportunity to have hands-on experience by offering events for our community’s needs.

Game Development Club - Enhances the creative skills of students interested in game development through team-oriented activities that build upon creative individual and group skills.

Literary Club - Promotes an interest in literature and writing by participating in various campus activities and raising money to donate to charities that promote literacy among young people.

Math Club - Creates a community of students who are interested in mathematics with the goal of promoting math majors and preparing tutors for the tutoring service.

Paralegal Club - Fosters interest in legal assisting as a career and seeks to provide educational and skill-building opportunities for its members.

Philosophy Club - Provides a forum outside of the classroom for those interested in philosophical study and debate.

Raritan Environmental Action League (R.E.A.L.) - Seeks to positively affect the community and to create environmental awareness and eco-friendly living by making the campus more “green” through education and community projects.

Raritan Rogue Players - Provides free, live entertainment for the student body in the form of the theatrical experience, as well as offers opportunities for student actors to perform.

Record Online, The - Provides members of the College community with news pertaining to the College, giving readers the opportunity to publicly express opinion or inquiry, promoting greater social awareness.

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) - Explores modern business practices and provides networking opportunities for students with local business men and women, as well as offers guest speakers, conferences, career fairs, and field trips to Wall Street, NYSE, etc.

Student Nurses Association (SNA) - Encourages interest in nursing as a career and seeks to provide educational and skill-building opportunities for its members.


Alliance, The - Provides all RVCC students with an inclusive, safe and supportive space for social activities, networking, and event planning. The Alliance is committed to encouraging diversity and awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and ally (LGBTQA) issues on campus.

Black Students Association (BSA) - Coordinates creative and relevant programs to help educate the College community about the diversity of African culture. It serves to facilitate the conversation of the differences, goals, and ideas of all students interested in learning about the “Black Experience.”

Brothers Helping Brothers - Works to develop success strategies that support African American and Hispanic males attending RVCC.  The goals are to increase minority retention and graduation rates for those attending RVCC.

Filipino Pride Engagement Awareness & Cultural Empowerment (P.E.A.C.E.) Club - Promotes awareness of the Filipino heritage through educational and cultural resources.

International Club - Encourages campus-wide appreciation for students of diverse cultural backgrounds, their contributions and history.

Orgullo Latino/Latin Pride Club - Encourages campus-wide appreciation of Hispanic Americans and their contributions and history. Provides outreach programs to local high school students to seek out post-secondary education.

Sister to Sister Network - Supports RVCC’s female students from underrepresented groups, particularly African American and Hispanic. Students and female administrators engage in dialogue as a way of beginning conversations about many topics that affect the student’s ability to be successful. Sister-to-Sister links students to experienced women in a “safe space” to talk about life at RVCC, with an emphasis on instruction and course selection. 

Special Interest

BACCHUS: A Fresh Reality - Fresh Reality is RVCC’s local chapter of BACCHUS (Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students). BACCHUS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to actively promote student and young adult-based campus and community-wide leadership on healthy and safe lifestyle decisions concerning alcohol abuse, tobacco use, illegal drug use, unhealthy sexual practices, and other high-risk behaviors.

Campus Crusade for Christ - Acts as a resource to interested students to answer questions and give counsel regarding principles of Christianity.

Den, The - Internet Radio Station Club - RVCC’s Internet Radio Station Club that promotes and encourages the expression of individuality through a positive media outlet. Students provide music, news, sports, and local weather to the community.  Students also provide free entertainment services, such as hosting and disc jockey services, to support RVCC clubs and campus events. 

Glee Club - Brings people together in a stress-free environment to enjoy singing what they love to sing.

Hip Hop Dance Club - Promotes the diversity of the hip hop culture through music, dance, and step. The club provides students with a creative outlet in the form of hip-hop dance to promote school spirit and campus involvement.

Lifelong Educational Opportunity Students (L.E.O.S.) Club - Provides an opportunity for non-traditional students to share their experiences and concerns in a supportive atmosphere and increase institutional awareness of adult needs.

Lion’s Stars, The - Creates awareness about social issues such as poverty, inequality, and racism through discussion and community service.

RVCC ONE - Part of a grassroots campaign and advocacy organization backed by more than 2 million people who are committed to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

Social Justice Club - Raises awareness of social and political issues such as discrimination and various world cultures to facilitate understanding, respect and tolerance to effect positive change within the campus and the greater community. 

United by Differences - Educates the general public about the issues facing people with limitations. Members with and/or without disabilities are invited to participate.

Women’s Center Programming Board - Sponsors programming aimed at educating the campus community about gender equity issues.  The Women’s Center Programming Board is composed of students, faculty, administrators and staff. 


Raritan Valley Community College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (Region XIX) and the Garden State Athletic Conference. The College is presently engaged in varsity competition in golf, baseball, basketball, softball and soccer.

Raritan Valley Community College has been represented at the state and national levels in many sports, enabling students to compete for athletic scholarships at four-year colleges and universities.

Raritan Valley Community College presently offers athletic scholarships to athletes who participate in NJCAA Division II programs, including Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Softball and Men’s Baseball.

Students are also encouraged to use the fitness center, pool, track and gymnasium during their leisure time. Athletic facilities are free to students with a valid ID card.

In an effort to promote athletics among youth, the College sponsors a variety of summer athletic camps.

To contact athletics, email rvccathletics@raritanval.edu, call (908) 218-8868 or fax (908) 575-9458.


College Center

The College Center provides members of the College community with a place to relax, socialize, hold meetings or study. Lounge areas and meeting rooms are dispersed throughout the building. The Center includes the dining hall, the Bookstore, Advising & Counseling Services, Financial Aid Office, First-Year Experience Office, Game Room, Enrollment Services, Transfer and Career Services, the Office of Advancement, Finance and Student Activities. Special areas include an atrium, an outdoor amphitheater and offices of student organizations.


The Golden Lion Bookstore is located on the lower level of the College Center and is operated by the Follett Higher Education Group. The store sells new and used textbooks, study aids, computer supplies, clothing, greeting cards, and snacks and magazines. A textbook rental program is available for certain titles. Textbooks in good condition can be sold back to the store at any time during regular business hours. The bookstore also can be found online at http://www.raritanval.bkstr.com. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and personal checks are accepted.

Textbook Refund Policy

  1. A sales receipt is required for all refunds and exchanges.
  2. Returns are accepted within five working days of the date on the receipt.
  3. Refunds will be given for the first 10 days of the semester if a class has been dropped (Drop/Add form required) and the receipt is dated within one month of the start of the current semester. Standard policy is in effect thereafter.
  4. Exchanges will be granted until the 10th day of the semester with a recent receipt.
  5. If a book has been written in, contains highlighting or is damaged in any way, only a 75% refund will be given.
  6. Shrink-wrapped packages must be returned with all materials that came in the package. No refund will be given for packages missing items.
  7. Software included in textbooks must not have been loaded and must have original seal. Internet codes must not have been used and must have original seal.

Federal Credit Union Services

Anyone in the RVCC community may become a member of the Affinity Federal Credit Union, which operates a branch on campus. The full-service facility is staffed by students on a four-day per week schedule, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The student service representatives go through an intensive training program that enables them to deliver competitively priced credit union products—checking and savings accounts, loans, etc.—with the same degree of professionalism as any other Affinity branch. Affinity also conducts several financial literacy seminars during the year.  The branch is located on the second floor of the College Center, behind the cafeteria.

Traffic and Parking

Driving and parking on the RVCC campus, or at any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events, is at the vehicle owner’s/driver’s risk. The College is not responsible for any injury, property damage, or loss sustained by a vehicle’s owner/driver while on College property. The presence of a vehicle on College property constitutes an agreement by the vehicle’s driver to abide by all College traffic and parking regulations and an acknowledgement of the College’s freedom from all liability for any injury, damage, or loss.

The College reserves the right to designate areas where parking is permitted and areas where parking is prohibited.  Parking is permitted only within designated parking spaces or in other areas designated by the College as parking areas. Parking is prohibited on all roadways, lawns, medians, crosswalks, loading zones, or any other areas designated by the College. Overnight parking is prohibited anywhere on campus without specific authorization from Campus Security.

Students, employees, and visitors may park only in designated parking areas. Parking in spaces designated for disabled individuals is reserved for vehicles authorized under laws of the State of New Jersey. 

Vehicles parked in violation of these regulations are subject to citation and towing at the owner’s/driver’s expense.

Drivers must adhere to all posted speed limits on campus roadways and in campus parking lots and must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Persons in violation of these regulations are subject to citations and fines. 

Food Services

Hot meals, fast food, snacks and vending machine services are provided in the dining hall by the College’s food service partner, CulinArt. The dining hall is located on the upper level of the College Center. Service is offered Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m., and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., when classes are in session. Vending machine services are available throughout the campus.

A snack bar featuring nationally branded Starbucks coffee is available on the ground floor of Somerset Hall by the Mannheimer Welcome Center. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Fridays, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Children’s Campus (Child Care Center)

The Children’s Campus is open 12 months a year, from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Located near Parking Lot #4, the Children’s Campus accepts children age 3 months through age 5 years. After-kindergarten care is provided when space is available. Priority for registration is given first to RVCC faculty, staff and students. Children from the surrounding communities are accepted on a space-available basis once the priority registration period for each semester has been concluded. Drop-in care is available as space permits to regularly enrolled children.

The Children’s Campus uses the research-based Creative Curriculum to provide a stimulating learning experience for young children. Curriculum is designed to provide even the youngest babies with a stimulating and nurturing atmosphere. In addition to providing professionally directed child care, the Children’s Campus offers practical experience to students of the Early Childhood Education program and other interested students.

For more information, call 908-231-8807 or visit www.raritanval.edu

Housing and Transportation

Housing and transportation are not provided by the College.

Identification Cards

All students are required to have a valid RVCC Identification Card in their possession at all times when on College property or at any other location where the College offers courses. A student is required to present his/her Identification Card when requested to do so by College personnel.

A student’s ID card is used for access to various College facilities and services, and student activities. Student ID cards may be obtained and validated at the Student Life Office or the Library. The student ID card includes a bar-code that is required for use of the College Library, the public libraries in Somerset and Hunterdon Counties, and RVCC athletic facilities. The Theatre at RVCC offers discounted tickets to students with a valid ID card. For additional information, contact the Student Life Center at (908) 218-8873.

Mannheimer Welcome Center

The Mannheimer Welcome Center provides information and gives directions. Other areas for current information are bulletin boards, the Student Handbook, video display screens, the RVCC website, College publications, and The Record Online.

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are available on campus by the Mannheimer Welcome Center and on the second floor of the College Center.

Campus Emergencies

Raritan Valley Community College cooperates with all local safety and health regulatory and enforcement agencies. In response to a fire alarm or notification of other emergency requiring an evacuation, everyone, with the exception of authorized safety officers, is to immediately evacuate all campus buildings and move quickly and safely to designated evacuation areas along the exterior of the campus. The interior courtyard area of the campus is not an approved evacuation site. No one is to reenter any building until approved to do so by emergency personnel or by a College official.

In the event of any emergency, students, employees, and visitors are to follow specific instructions issued by the College administration. 

The Confidential TIPS Hotline 

The TIPS Hotline is available for members of the College community or other interested parties to share any knowledge about a crime, a planned crime, or suspicious activity on campus, as well as any information about a troubled individual or threatening situation that could develop into a violent act or assault. Knowledge of threats or potential acts of violence needs to be brought to the attention of College security personnel so they can immediately act to prevent anyone from being injured. All threats need to be taken seriously, and any information will be acted upon as quickly as possible. The TIPS Hotline can be accessed via phone at (908) 231-8806 or visit www.raritanval.edu and go to TIPS Hotline in QuickLinks.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

To provide a healthy working environment for the College community, RVCC is a tobacco-free and smoke-free environment, with the exception of main campus parking lot areas that are at least 50 feet from any college building. Persons in violation of this policy are subject to citations, fines, and/or other disciplinary actions. 

Animals on Campus

Persons may not bring animals onto the College campus, or any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events, with the exception of service animals used by individuals with documented disabilities that require their assistance. A service or guide dog trainer, while engaged in the actual training process, shall have the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities with respect to access to public facilities as are applicable to a person with a certified disability. 

Emergency Notification

Raritan Valley Community College utilizes the Blackboard Connect-ED communication service in order to notify students, faculty and staff about actions to take in the event of inclement weather or an emergency.

The multi-modal emergency notification service enables campus leaders and security professionals to contact students, faculty and staff with time-sensitive information and updates within minutes through phone calls, text messages or e-mail. The system enables RVCC students and personnel to be contacted on campus, en route to campus, at home or at work. Students should sign up for this service through the Lion’s Den Campus Closing tab.

Delayed Openings

If the College announces a delayed opening at any location due to inclement weather or other emergency situation, all offices will be closed and all College classes and/or other activities will be suspended at that location until the delayed opening time.

Classes scheduled to begin before the delayed opening time that have 60 minutes or more of instruction time remaining at the delayed opening time will begin at the delayed opening time and conclude at the regularly scheduled ending time. Classes scheduled to begin before the delayed opening time that have fewer than 60 minutes of instruction time remaining at the delayed opening time will be cancelled.

Classes scheduled to begin at or after the delayed opening time will meet as scheduled.