Feb 10, 2025  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission and Registration


RVCC is an open-admission institution. The College, however, reserves the right to require appropriate documentation in support of a student’s admission application and/or to restrict a student’s enrollment to specific courses or to a specific number of credit hours in any enrollment term. Admission to the College does not imply admission to a specific program that has additional admission requirements. (Students should consult the specific program descriptions for further information on these additional admission requirements.)

Students are admitted to RVCC without regard to race, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, gender, or other protected-class status.

All students attending Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) for the first time must apply for admission, in order to create a student record. All students who have attended RVCC in the past, but have either graduated or have been inactive at RVCC for more than three years, must apply for readmission, in order to reactivate and update the student record. Students from other countries who are in the United States as permanent residents or under work dependent visas will follow the same admission requirements as U.S. citizens.

How to Apply for Admission

Applications for admission are available online at www.raritanval.edu. They can be entered online or submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services in person, by fax to (908) 704-3442, or by mail to Office of Enrollment Services, PO Box 3300, Somerville, New Jersey 08876. A non-refundable application fee of $25 is required ($225 for International Students with an F-1 or M-1 visa).

Once submitted, applications are processed on an ongoing basis. Students who apply should receive an admissions packet, mailed out within 7-10 business days. The packet will contain an RVCC Student ID number, Lion’s Den password and important instructions for enrollment.

Admission to RVCC activates the student’s access to the online portal, Lion’s Den, for student records, registration, bill payment, and other student services. After students have registered for their first semester, they receive access to the RVCC computer network and Lion’s Den e-mail. Please note that the Lion’s Den e-mail is the official communication system of the College and is the method by which students receive all important announcements, including bills and grade reports. All students must become familiar with their RVCC Student ID number, initial password and password maintenance, and procedures for accessing Lion’s Den and Lion’s Den e-mail.

Admission Categories

An applicant will be admitted or readmitted to RVCC under one of the following student categories. See instructions below to proceed following admission.

  • First-Time College Student
  • Transfer Student
  • Returning Student
  • Visiting Student*
  • Early-Admission Student
  • International Student
  • Provisional Admission Student

*Applicants who are not pursuing a degree or certificate at RVCC are not required to submit proof of immunization, official high school or college transcripts, or complete placement testing, unless required as proof of meeting course prerequisite(s). Non-degree students are limited to nine credits per semester and are not eligible for Financial Aid.

First-Time College Student This category is for students who never attended college before. Students admitted as First Time College Students must:

  • Complete placement testing, if required (see Placement Testing section).
  • Submit official final high school transcript or GED score report (not required of applicants 25 years or older unless required for a specific degree program).
  • Full-time students: Sign up online for R.O.A.R.S.*
  • Part-time students: Sign up online for R.O.A.R.S.; register online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab, by mail, fax, or in person; or come to Advising & Counseling Services for advising.

Some developmental English, math and/or English as a Second Language (ESL) placements will create “holds” that will not permit online registration. Most will allow for registration in person, by mail or by fax; however, some may require a meeting with an Academic Advisor.

  • Pay tuition and fees; obtain a bill and the payment due dates online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab. To apply for financial aid, go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to submit an application.

* Raritan Orientation, Advising and Registration Session (ROARS) is a half day session that incorporates interacting with new and current RVCC students; learning about student clubs and organizations; understanding RVCC policies, procedures and expectations; considering transfer and career options; discovering options to pay for college; navigating the campus and registering for classes for the first semester. This all-inclusive program is a crucial first step towards academic success. Parents/families are welcome to attend.

Transfer Student This category is for students who have previously attended another college or university, and have earned credit hours (units), at another college or university. Students admitted as Transfer Students must:

  • Complete placement testing, if required (see Placement Testing section).
  • Submit official transcript(s) from all previous college(s). Students who attended a foreign institution are required to submit an official evaluation from an evaluation service recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services if they seek a transfer of credits.
  • If students have earned less than 12 college credits, an official final high school transcript or GED score report must be submitted.
  • Sign up online for R.O.A.R.S.* or register for classes online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab, by mail, fax, or in person; or come to the Student Enrollment Center for advising- please bring an unofficial copy of your transcript(s).
  • Pay tuition & fees; obtain a bill and the payment due dates online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab. To apply for financial aid, go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to submit an application.

* Raritan Orientation, Advising and Registration Session (R.O.A.R.S.) is a half day session that incorporates interacting with new and current RVCC students; learning about student clubs and organizations; understanding RVCC policies, procedures and expectations; considering transfer and career options; discovering options to pay for college; navigating the campus and registering for classes for the first semester. This all-inclusive program is a crucial first step towards academic success. Parents/families are welcome to attend.

Returning Student This category is for students who have earned credit hours at RVCC and have either been awarded a degree from RVCC or have not enrolled at the College in more than three years. Students admitted as Returning Students must:

  • Complete placement testing, if required (see Placement Testing section).
  • Submit official final high school transcript or GED score report, if not previously submitted (not required of applicants 25 years or older unless required for a specific degree program).
  • Submit official transcript(s) from all previous college(s). Students who attended a foreign institution are required to submit an official evaluation from an evaluation service recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services if they seek a transfer of credit.
  • Register for classes online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab, by mail, fax, or in person or come to the Student Enrollment Center for advising.
  • Pay tuition & fees; obtain a bill and the payment due dates online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab. To apply for financial aid, go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to submit an application.

Students will not need to submit new documentation if the above requirements have been met from their previous attendance here or unless otherwise requested.

Visiting Student This category is for students who are seeking a degree from another college or university and are intending to transfer credit hours earned at RVCC back to that college or university. Students admitted as Visiting Students must:

  • Register for classes online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab, by mail, fax, or in person. Provide a college transcript or grade report for proof of fulfilled prerequisite requirements.
  • Pay tuition & fees; obtain bill and payment due dates online through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab. To apply for financial aid, go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to submit an application.

Early-Admission Student This category is for students under the age of 18 who have not earned a high school diploma or equivalent. Students can be admitted under one of three Early-Admission categories:

  1. High School Scholar Early Credits Program for high school juniors or seniors who enroll in an RVCC course;
  2. Underage Admission for students who have officially withdrawn from high school and/or are under the age of 16;
  3. Concurrent Enrollment Program for students enrolled in an RVCC courses taught through a partnership arrangement at the high school.

Application to the Concurrent Enrollment Program is through the participating high school. To apply as a High School Scholar Early Credits Student or Underage Admission Student:

  • Obtain the appropriate Early Admission Application and registration forms from www.raritanval.edu, Quick Links: Admission. Complete the forms and obtain required approvals from high school principal or guidance office.
  • Bring the forms, a high school transcript and the $25 application fee to a meeting with an Academic Advisor. Check www.raritanval.edu, QuickLinks: Advising & Counseling, for hours.

International Student This category of admission is for students who are in the United States on an F-1 or M-1 visa. International Students must:

  • Obtain a form I-20 from the college prior to applying for a visa or registration. Afull paper application for admission is required, with the nonrefundable international application fee of $225.
  • Submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score with a minimum score of: TOEFL computer - 173; TOEFL internet - 61; TOEFL paper - 500; IELTS - 5.

Information on necessary documentation and procedures can be obtained from http://www.raritanval.edu/studentserv/counseling/intl/index.html. Students also may e-mail iss@raritanval.edu.

Provisional Admission  Students who are unable to provide all required admission documentation at the time of first enrollment may be granted provisional admission. A student may remain in provisional-admission status for only one enrollment term. Students who are provisionally admitted may not be eligible for financial aid.

Immunization Requirements

All applicants for admission to the College, who are seeking a degree or certificate from RVCC and are intending to enroll as full-time students (12 or more credit hours per semester), must provide the following documentation of immunization prior to initial enrollment.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) [This requirement applies only to individuals born on or after January 1, 1957.]

  • Documentation of one vaccination dose administered after 1968 on or after the applicant’s first birthday, and documentation of a second vaccination dose administered no less than one month after the first dose, or
  • Documentation of laboratory blood tests confirming immunity to MMR.

Hepatitis B

  • Documentation of three vaccination doses, or
  • Documentation of laboratory blood tests confirming immunity to Hepatitis B.

An applicant is exempt from these immunization requirements if he/she provides

  • Signed documentation indicating that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his/her religious beliefs, or
  • Signed documentation from a physician indicating that immunization is contraindicated for a valid medical reason.

If an outbreak of any of these diseases occurs, any student not having provided proof of proper immunization, including part-time students and students who are exempt, may be barred from class attendance until the outbreak is over.

Placement Testing and Course Placement

Degree-seeking students are required to take placement tests for English and mathematics prior to enrolling at RVCC for the first time. Placement testing may also be required to meet course prerequisites or upon completion of a certain number of credit units. A student’s placement test scores are used to determine his/her eligibility for enrollment in English, Mathematics, and English-as-a-second-language courses.

Students do not need to take English placement tests if they:

  • Present proof of having earned credit for a college-level English course (with a grade of C or better), having taken an equivalent English placement exam, or having earned at least 24 credits at another regionally accredited college or university, or
  • Provide an SAT score report showing a critical reading score of at least 540 or an ACT English score of at least 24.

Students do not need to take the mathematics placement test if they:

  • Present proof of having earned credit for a college-level mathematics course (with a grade of C or better) or having taken an equivalent mathematics placement exam at another regionally accredited college or university, or
  • Provide an SAT score report showing a Mathematics score of at least 500 (or an ACT Mathematics score of at least 21). Students with SAT or ACT scores in this range are encouraged to take the RVCC mathematics placement test for possible placement into higher level mathematics courses.

Students whose native language is not English are required to take the placement test for English as a Second Language. Students who place beyond English as a Second Language (ESLS) courses must take the English and mathematics placement tests in accordance with the placement testing guidelines above. Students who place into ESLS Reading/Writing and Grammar courses at level 4 or higher may take the mathematics placement test and may enroll in selected mathematics courses in addition to their ESLS courses. Students who place into ESLS courses below level 4 may register only for ESLS courses.

English and Mathematics Course Placement

Students who have taken the SAT Test or the ACT Test will be placed into RVCC English and Mathematics courses according to the following table:

Test Minimum Score RVCC Course Placement
SAT English Critical Reading 540 English I (ENGL 111 )
ACT English 24 English I (ENGL 111 )
SAT Mathematics 500-529 Elementary Algebra (MATH 020 )*
SAT Mathematics 530-549 Intermediate Algebra (MATH 030 ) or selected College-level MATH courses*
SAT Mathematics 550 or higher Statistics I (MATH 110 ) or Precalculus I (MATH 112 )*
ACT Mathematics 21 Elementary Algebra (MATH 020 )*
ACT Mathematics 22 Intermediate Algebra (MATH 030 ) or selected College-level MATH courses*
ACT Mathematics 23 or higher Statistics I (MATH 110 ) or Precalculus I (MATH 112 )*

* Or additional RVCC placement testing

Students who have not taken the SAT Test or the ACT Test, or whose SAT/ACT scores are below the minimum scores indicated in the table, will be placed into RVCC English and Mathematics courses according to the results of RVCC placement tests.

Advanced Standing

Students seeking credit for:

  • Coursework completed with a grade of “C-” or better at other regionally accredited postsecondary institutions must submit an official transcript
  • Coursework completed at a college or university in a foreign country must provide an official transcript evaluation from an organization belonging to the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services
  • Coursework through associations, business, government, military, and industry must be evaluated for college credit by American Council on Education (ACE)
  • Certain earned licenses
  • Credit by examination. Credit by examination may be awarded after submitting official score reports through:
    • An Advanced Placement (AP) exam in certain subject areas with a score of 3, 4 or 5
    • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) with passing score of 50 or higher (depending on the subject area)
    • DANTES subject exam with a score of 46 or higher (depending on the subject area)
    • NYU Foreign Language Exam
    • RVCC departmental exam (for subject areas not available through CLEP, DANTES)

(*Please note: While these tests may be used to meet RVCC degree requirements, students planning to transfer should confirm the acceptability of these tests with the school into which they plan to transfer.)

For a complete list of subject areas/scores accepted for CLEP, DANTES or NYU Foreign Language Exams, please visit the RVCC website at www.raritanval.edu. Choose Quick Links: Testing; then Accelerated Programs & Standardized Testing Policy.

An official transcript must be sent to the Student Enrollment Center from each college previously attended. Applicants who attended schools outside the United States are required to submit an official course-by-course evaluation completed by a foreign credential service belonging to the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. RVCC will accept up to 45 transfer and/or advanced standing credits toward an associate degree or 75 percent of the required credits for a certificate program. The course requirements of some selective programs may limit the applicability of transfer credits to fulfill degree requirements. After all official transcripts have been received and the transcript evaluation has occurred, the Student Enrollment Center will send a notification to the student’s RVCC email account. Students can then access their transcript evaluation by clicking the Unofficial Transcript link located under the Student Services tab of their Lion’s Den account. (*Please note: Transcript evaluations will not be conducted for non-degree seeking students).



Enrollment/Registration is the process of selecting specific sections of credit courses in a particular academic term and paying the tuition and fees associated with those course sections. Students enrolled for 12 or more semester credit hours in a semester are considered full-time students. Students enrolled for fewer than 12 semester credit hours in a semester are considered part-time students.

Course Prerequisites

A course prerequisite is either a condition that a student must satisfy, or a course for which a student must have earned prior credit, to be eligible to enroll in certain specific courses offered by the College. Prerequisites may be based on prior knowledge in the same academic discipline or on a required minimum level of academic skills. 

How to Register

RVCC Offers Four Ways to Register for Classes:

  1. Web: www.raritanval.edu
    Raritan Valley Community College students with Lion’s Den access may be able to register and add or drop courses online during specified periods. To register online, log into Lion’s Den from the RVCC website (ID and password required) and go to the Student Services tab. For questions about Lion’s Den access, please call the MIS Help Desk at (908) 526-1200, extension 4357.
  2. Mail: Office of Enrollment Services, Raritan Valley Community College, P.O. Box 3300, Somerville, NJ 08876
    Print the registration form from the RVCC website: www.raritanval.edu; and mail it with a check, money order or complete credit card information. A schedule will be mailed as confirmation of completed registration.
  3. Fax: (908) 704-3442
    Print the registration form from the RVCC website: www.raritanval.edu; and fax it to (908) 704-3442 with complete credit card information. A schedule will be mailed as confirmation of completed registration.
  4. In Person
    Print the registration form from the RVCC website and bring it to the Office of Enrollment Services, located on the First Floor of the College Center.

New Student Registration

All full-time, first-time college students must attend a R.O.A.R.S. orientation session prior to enrollment. These orientation sessions introduce new students to college expectations and resources and assist students with choosing appropriate courses and registering for classes. New part-time, first-time college students are also encouraged to attend one of these sessions. Students may sign up for a R.O.A.R.S. session on the RVCC website at  http://www.raritanval.edu/studentserv/counseling/index.html.

Registration Restrictions (Holds) and Limitations

Students may be prohibited from enrollment on the basis of their admission status, academic standing, developmental studies status, required documents, outstanding financial/materials obligations to the College, or other unsatisfied enrollment requirements. For further information about restrictions that may affect your registration, check for messages on your Lion’s Den email or on the Lion’s Den Student Services tab.

Students may enroll for a maximum of 19 credit hours in a Fall or Spring semester or for a maximum of 12 credit hours in a Summer session. A student wishing to enroll in additional credit hours must have specific, individual authorization.

Enrollment Changes

Students may change their course schedules, add courses, or withdraw from courses according to the enrollment calendar published by the Office of Enrollment Services. Students are responsible for understanding the effect that enrollment changes may have on financial aid eligibility, health insurance eligibility, and other programs and/or services. Students may not withdraw from Developmental Studies courses without authorization from an Academic Advisor or Counselor.

Developmental Studies

The College is committed to providing students with the skills necessary for success in college work. The College requires that students demonstrate appropriate level of skills in reading, writing, mathematics and the English language. When placement testing indicates the need for developmental courses to improve these core skills, these courses must be completed as early as possible. Multiple levels of instruction are offered for each area, and placement is done by testing.

The following rules guide students in their course selections:

  • Full-time students must take the placement test(s) and satisfactorily complete all required developmental courses within the first year. Exceptions may be made for students who are making progress in developmental courses but need additional time to complete a sequence. Students who fail a developmental course may re-take the course once before academic sanctions or other restrictions apply. For determination of academic standing and any resulting sanctions, withdrawals count as an attempt to take a course. Appropriate level developmental courses must be taken in sequence and all areas addressed each semester until the requirements are met.
  • Part-time degree-seeking students must take the placement test(s) and satisfactorily complete all required developmental courses prior to college level courses in the subject area. The order in which English and Mathematics are taken may depend on a student’s major and on the number of developmental courses required. Most students should complete English requirements first. Students with majors requiring math skills may take developmental math before developmental English.
  • Part-time students who are not seeking a degree should take the placement test(s) to ensure they have the skills to be successful in college coursework. Placement testing and developmental coursework may be required to meet prerequisites for certain college level courses, or upon completion of a particular number of credits.
  • Certain A.A.S. degree and certificate programs do not require the completion of the intermediate level of Algebra. Students in these programs may advance into their college-level mathematics after completing Elementary Algebra or testing into Intermediate Algebra.
  • Students who do not complete their developmental requirements on time because they withdraw from or fail a course will be placed on Academic Restriction. They may register only for the required developmental course. Failure to complete the course in the restricted semester will be cause for further sanctions. Students subject to Academic Restriction should meet with an Academic Advisor or Counselor.
  • Because developmental courses build essential skills for college success, students are not permitted to withdraw from developmental courses. Exceptions may be granted only by consultation with an Academic Advisor or Counselor.

English as a Second Language Studies (ESLS)

Students for whom English is not their native language may need further instruction in the English language in order to be successful in college-level courses. Raritan Valley Community College offers a comprehensive English as a Second Language Program (ESLS).

Students can choose to improve their speaking and grammar skills, prepare for university studies, or reduce their accent. Classes are listed in the RVCC course schedule under ESLS (English as a Second Language Studies).

Classes are offered in the following skill areas:

  • Grammar
  • Speaking & Listening
  • Reading & Writing
  • Reading & Conversation
  • Accent Reduction & Pronunciation
  • Introduction to English as a Second Language Studies

Once admitted to RVCC, students take a placement test. Students are then advised about the appropriate classes to take.

For a listing of courses offered each semester, see the College course schedule.

Foreign Language Placement Testing & Degree Requirements

Students who have studied Spanish, German or French for 2- 3 years (within the last 5 years) and wish to continue with the same language, MUST take the respective placement test before registering. Students wishing to continue with Italian should register for Introduction to Italian II (ITAL-102). They will then be tested on the first day of class and moved accordingly, if necessary.

Several degrees at RVCC have a foreign language requirement. For these degrees, a two semester sequence or completion of Intermediate II (whichever comes first) is required. Students who fulfill the requirement in fewer than two semesters may substitute other humanities courses or continue with the language.

The Testing Center does not require an appointment for language placement testing. All students will be required to show a valid form of identification prior to testing.


Transcripts may be ordered online through the Lion’s Den at www.raritanval.edu. Select the Student Services tab and “Request Official Transcript” under the Registration & Records Tools Menu; or transcript orders may be placed online at www.getmytranscript.com. The cost of a transcript is $5 plus a processing fee for each recipient being issued a transcript. Official transcripts are signed and embossed with the College Seal. Students may view and print unofficial transcripts through the Lion’s Den Student Services tab and selecting “View Academic Transcript” under the Registration & Records Tools Menu.

Veterans’ Benefits

Students who plan to attend Raritan Valley Community College under one of several Veterans Administration programs should contact the Student Enrollment Center.

Post-9/11 GI Bill veterans may have tuition and fee payments deferred provided that they submit a Certificate of Eligibility. Students will be responsible for any account balance remaining after Veterans Administration payments have been received.

The veteran will need a certified copy of his or her DD-214 form and must provide a copy of a completed application for benefits. Information on eligibility and education-related services may be obtained by contacting the Department of Veterans Affairs at (888) 442-4551.

Veterans are required to meet with the College’s student-veteran advisor each semester prior to being certified for benefits.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

Raritan Valley Community College and Rutgers University have an agreement permitting RVCC students to cross-enroll in either the United States Air Force or United States Army Reserve Officer Training Program (ROTC) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Qualified students may complete the first two years of the four-year program on a cross-enrollment basis, and the final two years by attending a college or university which offers the ROTC Program. Additionally, students taking the Army ROTC program may elect to take their commissions in the Active Army, Army Reserve, or New Jersey Army National Guard.

To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens, physically qualified and full-time students of good moral character. ROTC enrollment involves no military commitment during the first two years. The advanced phase of the program is contractual and is scheduled during the junior and senior years.

The ROTC programs offer a wide variety of scholarship opportunities. For more information write to:

Assistant Professor Military Service
Rutgers University
157 College Ave.
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1199
(732) 932-7313, extension 18

Detachment 485
9 Senior Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1199
(732) 932-7706

Confidential Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of education records, establishes the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and provides guidelines for contesting information in these records that is believed to be inaccurate or misleading.

Students have the right to inspect and review all of their education records maintained by the College. The College is not required to provide copies of records unless it is not reasonably convenient for students to inspect their records.

Students have the right to request that the College correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides, in response to such a request, not to amend a student’s record, the student has the right to a formal hearing before the Dean of Student Services. After the hearing, if the College maintains its position that the student’s record should not be amended, the student has the right to enter a statement into his/her records commenting on the contested information.

The College will not release any confidential information from a student’s record without the written consent of the student, except for releasing information to: 

  • College officials with a legitimate educational interest
  • Other institutions at which a student intends to enroll
  • Certain government officials for the purpose of carrying out their lawful functions
  • Appropriate parties involved with the awarding of financial aid to a student
  • Organizations conducting appropriate research for the College
  • Accrediting agencies
  • Individuals who have obtained appropriate court orders or subpoenas
  • Persons who have need for the information in cases of health and safety emergencies

The College may disclose Directory Information without the written consent of the student. Directory Information includes the following:

  • Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Dates of attendance
  • Enrollment status
  • Previous institutions attended
  • Major field of study
  • Awards and honors
  • Degrees and/or Certificates awarded including date of conferral
  • Past and present participation in officially recognized College activities
  • Height and weight of student athletes

Students may request the withholding of Directory Information. To ensure that such a request is properly processed, it must be submitted on the official “Request to Withhold Directory Information” form, which is available in the Office of Enrollment Services. The request to withhold information will remain in effect until the student submits a signed authorization for the release of Directory Information.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. For further information regarding the filing of complaints, students should contact the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.