Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering, Associate of Science

The Associate’s Degree in Engineering at Raritan Valley Community College is a strong and successful program designed to fully prepare students for transfer into bachelor’s degree programs in engineering at four-year colleges and universities.

Students of the AS Engineering program transfer and graduate from leading engineering institutions throughout the country such as: Rutgers, NJIT, Stevens Institute of Technology, The College of NJ, Cornell, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,  Virginia Tech, Wentworth Institute of Technology at Boston, SUNY Maritime, West Virginia University, University of Minnesota, Rochester Institute of Technology, Clemson University and more.

To explore job descriptions and opportunities in engineering, you can visit Career Coach @ RVCC or the following sites and

While students who intend to transfer to a NJ college or university can further investigate how the program tracks transfer to those institutions using the site, they are also strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor to discuss their plan of study as well as the transfer plan to the institution of their choice.

This program has a core engineering curriculum and eight tracks related to major areas of study:

  • Bioenvironmental
  • Biomedical
  • Chemical
  • Civil
  • Electrical
  • Industrial
  • Mechanical
  • Packaging

Graduates will be able to:

  • apply the fundamental principles of physics to the solution of engineering problems
  • apply the engineering problem solving methods and critical thinking to establish a strong foundation for upper-level courses in engineering
  • use the computer as a tool to aid in the solution of engineering problems
  • communicate effectively both verbally and in writing

Raritan Valley Community College Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs are designed to comply with the New Jersey Community Colleges General Education Foundation which supports transfer of courses to NJ Public four-year colleges and universities.  Students who intend to transfer to a NJ college or university can further improve the transfer of courses by using the Recommended Transfer Program (RTP) feature in


Curriculum – A.S. Degree


Engineering Flow Chart

First Semester (15 credits)

Plus Choose One Track:

Mechanical, Civil and BioEnvironmental:

BioMedical, Chemical, Packaging and Industrial:

Plus Choose One Track:

Mechanical, Civil, BioEnvironmental, Packaging, Industrial and Electrical:


Fourth Semester (13-19 credits)

Plus Choose One Track:

Total Credits 60-67

1 Select a course from the appropriate category of the General Education  list.

2 PHYS 151 Analytical Physics II  and PHYS 250 Analytical Physics III  can be taken in any sequence after completing PHYS 150 Analytical Physics I . However, it is important to note that PHYS 151 Analytical Physics II is a prerequisite for ENGR 111 Introduction to Circuit Analysis  , hence these two courses cannot be taken in the same semester.

3 To enroll in ECON 102 Microeconomics , students need to obtain a prerequisite waiver from the Business & Public Service Department or from an Advisor.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that students take ENGR 105 Introduction to Engineering  as soon as they enroll into the Engineering Program.

NOTE: Students are advised to check with their transfer institution about required summer courses to gain full junior status. 

NOTE: Students who need to take a sequence (two courses) of Biology and/or Chemistry for completing their 4-year degree are advised to take both of them at the same institution.