Feb 11, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


Advising and Counseling

Every student has the opportunity to use the academic advisement services provided by the academic advisors. Advisors assist in: identifying courses needed to fulfill RVCC graduation requirements; choice of major; and long-term academic planning. Students experiencing academic difficulty are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor or counselor. 

Personal/Mental Health Counseling

Counselors provide students with the opportunity to discuss, in confidence, any personal or social problem. Counseling staff seeks to help students develop the ability to cope with and solve problems independently. When appropriate, the counselors will assist students via referrals to mental health centers, substance abuse treatment, or other community resources. Any student in distress or aware of a student in distress should contact Advising & Counseling Services in the College Center.

Students can meet advisors or counselors by appointment, walk in during posted Advising Drop-In Hours, or at workshops and special events. Students can obtain an appointment with an academic advisor or counselor by emailing acs@raritanval.edu or calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8336.

Career Services

Career counseling is available to all current students and alumni who wish to clarify their career objectives. The Career Services office has a Career Counselor who provides both individual and group career counseling. Through self-assessment and evaluation, the Counselor can help RVCC students identify their skills, interests, and values in order to determine their occupational and educational goals. To make an appointment with the Career Counselor, call (908) 526-1200, extension 8334, e-mail Carrie.rafanello-bazar@raritanval.edu, or drop by the office, located in the College Center, room C-116.

The Counselor also can assist students with researching career fields. Information on careers, including salary surveys, educational requirements, occupational demand and growth potential, can be accessed in the Lion’s Den portal. The Career Services web page also houses FOCUS, an interactive, web-based self-assessment system for career and educational planning. Workshops are held throughout the year on selected career topics such as resume writing, interviewing, internship and job search preparation, social media and networking for the job search, and career decision-making.

Information about internships, and full-time, part-time and seasonal positions is available through the online job board where opportunities are posted by area employers. Through RVCC’s partnership with the College Central Network, students can search for a job or internship, as well as post their resume for viewing by potential employers. Additional details can be found in the Lion’s Den portal or on the Career Services website. The Career Services Advisor can be reached by calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8338 or via e-mail at Wendy.schnall@raritanval.edu.

Students can receive assistance with resume writing, interviewing, and internship and job search techniques via online resources or individual appointments.

Information about internship and co-op possibilities can be found on the College website or by calling the Coordinator of Internships & Cooperative Education at (908) 526-1200, extension 8213 or via email at Alicia.hermo-weaver@raritanval.edu.

For further information about internships and co-ops, please refer to the Internships & Cooperative Education section.

Disability Services

Raritan Valley Community College is committed to providing equal access for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) of 2008 and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. An individual with a disability who is qualified for admission will have the same access to programs, services, and activities as all other students. Raritan Valley Community College will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity, or pose an undue administrative or financial burden. The College will provide services in a manner that promotes independence and inclusion in all aspects of College life.

Students with documented disabilities may apply for appropriate academic accommodations through the Office of Disability Services. Students should contact the office directly for information regarding documentation requirements and intake procedures: (908) 526-1200, extension 8534.

Information about Disability Services at RVCC can be found on the College’s website.

In order to use designated Accessible Parking Spaces on campus, students must obtain parking tags from the NJ Department of Motor Vehicles.

Enrollment Services

The Office of Enrollment Services acts as the custodian of student academic records. The office provides and maintains essential processes and answers inquiries with confidentiality and integrity for students, faculty, and administrators while supporting the overall mission of the College. The office also provides and supports registration, transcripts and verifications, posting of grades and degrees, transfer credit evaluation, changes in residency, name and address changes, veteran’s benefits, awarding of diplomas, as well as graduation and commencement information. The office also schedules classes and final exams.

For more information, stop by the Office of Enrollment Services located on the first floor of College Center, or go to the Lion’s Den.

Educational Opportunity Fund

The Raritan Valley Community College Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF) is a state-funded program that provides additional economic and academic assistance to students who demonstrate need. Economic assistance consists of grant money each semester the student is enrolled. Academic assistance consists of advisement, assistance with registration, and monitoring of academic performance to determine appropriate counseling and support services for academic success. In addition, students participate in career preparation activities. An EOF student who transfers to another college may be eligible to receive EOF support services at the new institution.

The EOF program attracts a diverse student population, including recent high school graduates, non-traditional age students, and single parents. Incoming students who are accepted to the EOF program are required to attend a one week EOF Orientation that takes place at the end of August, one week before the start of the Fall Semester.

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Have earned a high school diploma or High School Equivalency
  • Have resided in New Jersey for at least one year
  • Be eligible for the Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)
  • Demonstrate economic eligibility, evaluated on the New Jersey State eligibility scale
  • Maintain full-time enrollment
  • Be U.S. citizens or permanent residents

To apply, students must complete the RVCC admissions process along with filling out an EOF application. Once  the admissions process is complete and the EOF application is received, an administrator from the EOF office will contact the student to inform them of the next steps. 

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to full-time and part-time students.  The goal is to provide funds from the federal government, State of New Jersey, and College sources for students who would not be able to complete their college education without financial assistance.

Student financial assistance is not a supplement to the student’s income for meeting his/her normal living expenses, but is available to help the student offset the additional expenses incurred directly by his/her education. Most financial aid awards are based on demonstrated financial need, which is the difference between the Cost of Attendance (COA) and the Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience (FYE) combines academic and co‐curricular efforts together designed to support new students as they pursue their academic, career and personal goals.

FYE creates programs and pedagogies that draw on the perspectives that college students bring with them and finds a balance between acknowledging the individual and forging a community culture. The College recognizes that students need an understanding of all services available to them to optimize their college experience. The FYE Office is located on the first floor of the College Center, C124. For more information, visit the RVCC website.

Office of Student Life

The classroom experience is only one segment of the available education at Raritan Valley Community College. The cultural, recreational, and governmental activities and functions at the College are equally important. By sharing in these activities, students have the opportunity to develop many personal and career skills.

Student life develops according to student interest. While the selection, planning, and administration of these activities depend on the interest, time, organization, and effort of the students, assistance is provided by the Office of Student Life. 

Testing Center

The Testing Center conducts admissions, placement and competency testing for the College, including for ESL, English and Mathematics, foreign languages and technological competency. Students taking make-up exams or tests for online courses may be required to use the Testing Center. Tests such as CLEP, DSST, and High School Equivalency are also administered at the College. Photo identification is required prior to testing.

High School Equivalency Testing
The College offers High School Equivalency testing to qualified applicants who wish to gain a high school diploma. The test is given by appointment. For additional information, visit the College website.

Veteran Services

Raritan Valley Community College is approved for the enrollment of veterans and survivors or dependents of veterans under Title 38 of the U.S. Code and selected reservists under Title 10 of the U.S. Code.

We provide current and prospective service members with the tools they need to succeed. From the application process to graduation, the College takes a proactive approach to the educational process and helps students connect with the necessary campus and off-campus resources, as well as other service members. Academic advising, personal counseling, and veteran benefit administration are among the services provided. More information about Veterans Services can be found on the RVCC website or by calling (908) 526-1200, extension 8452.

Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses Policy

Raritan Valley Community College values the service of those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. To assist those who have served our country, RVCC offers many veteran-friendly services to help our veterans achieve educational success. The College supports the full integration of veterans into campus life and encourages veterans to take advantage of the broad range of academic and social activities. Educational information and assistance is available for military service members and their families.

Priority of Service (POS) means that a covered person receives access to the service or resource earlier in time than a non-covered person or if the service or resource is limited, the covered person receives access instead of or before a non-veteran.

In accordance with the Department of Labor’s TAACCCT-funded workforce programs, RVCC will provide priority of service to qualified veterans and eligible spouses in these programs. TAACCCT priority of services shall include
•    The opening of in-person registration one week earlier for eligible veterans and spouses
•    Priority placement in competitive ranking programs, once all other minimum requirements have been met
•    Priority services will include class registration and job placement services.

The veteran or eligible spouse shall identify themselves upon application to begin the priority of service process. Appropriate documentation must then be provided to the Coordinator for International Students and Veterans Services. The veteran or eligible spouse shall be identified at the point of entry by completing an admissions application, whether in person or online. Veterans or eligible spouse shall be asked to self-identify upon application. Veterans and eligible spouses must meet all eligibility and program requirements for participation in order to receive priority for a program.

For purposes of this policy only, the following definitions will apply.

Veteran: a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable, as specified in 38 U.S.C. 101(2). Active service includes full-time duty in the National Guard or a Reserve component, other than full-time duty for training purposes.

Eligible Spouse: The spouse of any of the following:

(1) Any veteran who died of a service-connected disability;
(2) Any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for the priority, is listed in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than 90 days:
     (i) Missing in action;
     (ii) Captured in line of duty by a hostile force; or
     (iii) Forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power;
(3) Any veteran who has a total disability resulting from a service-connected disability, as evaluated by the Department of Veterans Affairs;
(4) Any veteran who died while a disability, as indicated in (3) above, was in existence.
The status of a veteran or an eligible spouse can be verified by referring a variety of official documents, including, but not limited to:
•    A DD 214 (issued following separation from active duty);
•    An official notice issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs that establishes entitlement to a disability rating or award of compensation to a qualified dependent;
•    An official notice issued by the Department of Defense that documents the eligibility of an individual, based on the missing or detained status of that individual’s active duty spouse; or
•    An official notice issued by a State veterans’ service agency that documents veteran status or spousal rights, provided that the State veterans’ service agency requires Federal documentation of that information.