Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed on the following pages, alphabetically and by course prefix. The four letter prefix identifies subject area and the three numbers that follow identify the particular course. The  numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of lecture and lab hours per week, assuming a typical 15-week semester.

The description of each course indicates its credit value which determines the tuition charge and the number of credits available toward the requirements for a degree.


  • INTD 299H - Honors Research Capstone

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be in fourth semester of Honors College enrollment.
    This course is intended to guide sophomore Honors College students from all disciplines through the stages of researching and writing a major research project, or developing a project in the fine arts. Topics include planning, research and documentation, prose style and editing, document design, ethics, abstracts, and oral presentations. Because the course will enroll from different disciplines, students will also become acquainted with research topics, ways of framing arguments, and making points outside their fields of study, which will help them develop a more interdisciplinary perspective. Class will include research training, guest lectures, as well as independent study and research.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 110 - Design Drawing I

    (2,2) 3 Credits

    This course is an introduction to traditional orthographic drawing, digital techniques, and creative graphic representation of interior space. Students will produce work that represents three dimensional space in two dimensional drawings and 3-D models. Multi-view drawings: floor plans, elevations, sections, reflective ceilings plans and details will be addressed. A combination of digital techniques and hand drawing for design development, creative problem solving, documentation and presentation will be emphasized.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 111 - Interior Design Studio I

    (2,2) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s):  ,   
    This course in an introduction to the role of the interior designer and spatial design for interiors. Diagramming, programming, conceptual design, and space planning are applied to the development of interior space. Principles and elements of design will be used to explore spatial and conceptual relationships. Designs will be developed through research, sketching, orthographic drawing, and physical/digital model making. Presentations will be created through digital and traditional techniques to communicate design intent.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 112 - Visual Concepts for Interiors

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    This course is a foundation course for Interior Design. This course introduces and reinforces classic design principles in two dimensions and three dimensions. Through traditional and digital techniques students will investigate the elements and principles of design from an interior design perspective. Basic elements of design will be explored through a combination of digital and traditional techniques. Students will produce conceptual work with the appropriate visual language. Software may include: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Google SketchUP, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Power Point.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 114 - Color and Material Investigations

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    This course is a foundation course for Interior Design. This course combines classic color theory with materiality and specifications for interior design. Through traditional and digital techniques students will investigate the characteristics of color and materials for interior environments. This course gives the student the knowledge to select interior textiles, finishes, and materials appropriate to fit the needs of a project’s aesthetics, performance, and respect for humans and the environment. Students will design projects and create designs based on the material and color applications explored in class.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 200 - Interior Design Studio II

    (2,2) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s):  ,  
    Prerequisite or Corequisite:   
    This course in an introduction to residential interior design. Style, space planning, design development and interior elements that apply to residential design will be stressed. Basic codes assessment and construction details are incorporated into design projects. Furniture placement, materiality, circulation and practical applications will be combined with the concepts of style, history and the role of the client.  Traditional and digital methods will be used in the design process. It is recommended that students take History of Furniture I concurrently with this class.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 201 - History of Furniture and Interiors I

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course is an overview on furniture, interiors, and architecture from pre-history through the 1800’s. Emphasis is placed on the role of major developments, styles, and influences from Ancient Civilizations, the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical periods.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 202 - History of Furniture and Interiors II

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course is an overview of furniture, interiors, and architecture from the 19th century to the present. Revivals styles, Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Protomodernism, Art Deco,  Modernism, Post Modernism, Deconstruction and Contemporary Design will be reviewed.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 211 - Design Drawing III

    (2,3) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s):   ,   
    This course is an intermediate Computer Aided Design course for Interior Design. Students will produce work that represents designed interior space in two dimensional CAD drawings and three dimensional digital models. Larger scale commercial spaces are documented and visualized. A combination of orthographic drawings, three dimensional modeling and rendering for Interior Design will be explored. Software may include AutoCAD, Google SketchUP, 3D MAX and the Adobe Suite.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 230 - Interior Design Studio III

    (2,2) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s):  ,   
    This course in an introduction to commercial interior design. Diagramming, programming, conceptual design, and space planning are applied to the development of commercial interior space. Code assessment and impact on commercial design are addressed. Commercial construction details and sustainable design are incorporated into the design projects. Traditional and digital methods will be used in design documentation and visualization.  Students will be required to purchase some art/design supplies.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • INTR 252 - Portfolio Development for Interior Design

    (1,1) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s):   ,   
    This course is designed to help prepare students majoring in Interior Design to successfully transfer to a B.F.A. or B.S. in Interior Design program. The course will cover topics such as critical  writing concept statements, career options, resume and portfolio preparation, for transfer and identification of appropriate transfer colleges.  Students may be required to purchase some art/design supplies.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • ITAL 101 - Introduction to Italian I

    (3,1) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Foreign Language
    The course will introduce students to the fundamental structures of the Italian language and will develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is designed for students with no knowledge of Italian. Native speakers and students with successful completion of two or more years of Italian (within the past five years) cannot receive credit for this course. Classes include three hours of instruction and one hour of laboratory activities per week.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • ITAL 102 - Introduction to Italian II

    (3,1) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Foreign Language
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 101 - Introduction to Italian I  or appropriate placement test score.
    This course is the continuation of   and is designed for students with one college semester of Italian or two years in high school. The primary goal of the course is to develop effective reading and writing strategies. Students will expand and deepen their knowledge gained in class activities through various exercises given as homework. In-class exercises are supplemented by work in the laboratory.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course will introduce students to the paralegal profession and the basic ethical principles which control those working in the law. An examination of the legal system, with emphasis on New Jersey court structure is included. Students will be introduced to the law library, become familiar with sources of legal authority, legal analysis and writing as well as the specific functions and duties of the paralegal within the law office.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 110 - Torts

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Corequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal . This corequisite is for A.A.S. students only; no corequisite for Certificate students.
    This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of tort law and liability. Students will become familiar with the various types of tort actions encountered in legal practice, as well as setoffs and defenses for same. Offered in the fall semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 120 - Basic Litigation Procedure

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal . This prerequisite is for A.A.S. students only; no prerequisite for Certificate students.
    This course is an overview of the civil trial process covering the litigation of cases from initial fact-gathering stage through preparation for trial, with emphasis on the drafting of various pleadings, the mastery of litigation discovery techniques, the handling of pretrial motions and the preparation of a case for trial. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 121 - Legal Research and Writing

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal  and ENGL 111 - English Composition I . These prerequisites are for A.A.S. students only; no prerequisites for Certificate students.
    This course involves the in- depth study of legal research and writing, stressing the acquisition of those skills required in a law office engaged in the general practice of law. The course will include intensive utilization of the law library as well as the introduction and use of computer- based research through LEXIS and other legal web sources.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 122 - Real Estate Transactions

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal . This prerequisite is for A.A.S. students only; no prerequisite for Certificate students.
    This course surveys the basic legal principles of real estate transactions, including purchasing and selling, mortgaging, and leasing. Practical aspects of basic real estate transactions will be emphasized, including document preparation, with special emphasis on law and procedure in New Jersey. Among the topics covered will be drafting of real estate sale contracts; preparation of deeds, mortgages, and related documents; title insurance; closing procedures; leases and landlord-tenant issues; mortgage foreclosures; and land use regulation issues related to property transfers. The course covers aspects of residential and commercial property transactions. Offered in the fall semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 123 - Advanced Litigation Procedure

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 120 - Basic Litigation Procedure .
    This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Basic Litigation Procedures for students enrolled in the Paralegal Studies Program. It is designed to prepare students to assist attorneys who specialize in or regularly handle civil litigation cases. It includes an overview of the litigation procedures necessary to take a case through trial, judgment and appeal. Offered in the fall semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 124 - Family Law

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal . This prerequisite is for A.A.S. Students only; no prerequisite for Certificate students.
    This course is an introduction to the substantive and procedural aspects of family law in such areas as divorce, adoption, support and separation agreements. Interview techniques and the review and drafting of various family law pleadings and other documents will be addressed. Offered in the fall semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 125 - Intellectual Property

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course will provide students with an overview and practical understanding of the various Intellectual Property disciplines including copyright, trade secret, trademark and patent laws. Students will develop an understanding of the terminology associated with, and the searching approaches to trademarks, patents and copyrights. Practical assignments will familiarize students with researching, applying for, acquiring and protecting Intellectual Property rights. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 126 - Wills, Trusts & Estate Administration

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): LEGL 101 - Role of the Paralegal . This prerequisite is for A.A.S. students only; no prerequisite for Certificate students.
    This course is a survey of basic wills, trusts and probate practice. Students will become familiar with the various methods of testamentary distribution and the format of probate administration. NJ probate law will be reviewed with emphasis on the initial preparation and drafting of basic documents in the field, including simple and living wills, formal and informal probate, and federal and state tax forms. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 128 - Alternate Dispute Resolution

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of alternate forms of dispute resolution outside courtroom litigation, such as mediation, negotiation, and arbitration through lecture, readings, role play and media presentations. In addition, the course incorporates a community service experience in mediation of approximately ten hours during the course of the semester. This community service aspect will allow students a unique opportunity to apply theories, concepts and skills learned in the classroom to practical experiences in serving others in the community. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 129 - Privacy Law

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    The course will introduce students to the fundamentals of privacy and data protection laws.  Students will develop an understanding of the different legal approaches used by international, federal and state governments in the regulation, collection and use of personal data.  Practical application of privacy law in areas such as Human Resources, Contract Review, Intellectual Property, Regulatory Compliance and Marketing will be included, as well as an analysis of how current legal restrictions impact the workplace, the role of a paralegal in that workplace, and the delivery of legal services to clients.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 130 - Computer Applications in the Law Office

    (2,2) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s):    or CISY 261 - Microcomputer Applications  or Passing Score on Computer Literacy Test.
    This course provides essential background about computers in the law office; uses state-of the-art legal software, as well as the most popular windows and application tools for file managing, legal document preparation, and courtroom presentations. The student will perform legal research on specific fact patterns using LEXIS, the Internet, and CD-ROM. The instruction is supplemented with software demonstrations by in-the-field experts. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 132 - Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This legal specialty course introduces the student to the types of ethical situations and dilemmas they may encounter in the legal workforce. Students will learn applicable disciplinary rules for both the lawyer and the paralegal, in order to understand how to function responsibly as a legal professional. The content and course work is geared not only to the paralegal student, but also to the practicing paralegal and other legal professionals.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • LEGL 290 - Paralegal Studies Cooperative Education

    (300 Work Site Hours) 3 Credits

    Cooperative Education Approval Form Required. See Department Co-op Coordinator.
    A work experience whereby students are employed in law-related positions to gain the practical experience necessary for success as paralegals. Students will be supervised by practicing attorneys and graded on their ability to apply classroom acquired skills to the legal workplace. Enrolled students will attend a scheduled seminar in addition to working 15-20 hours per week (255-300 hours per semester). Eligibility will be determined by the Coordinator of the Paralegal Studies Program and generally will be limited to those students in their second year of study.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MACH 110 - Machining Fundamentals

    250 hours (non-credit)

    MACH 110 – Machining Fundamentals course is designed to prepare students with the requisite skills needed to succeed in both the Manual Mill Operator and Engine Lathe Operator credentialing program at Raritan Valley Community College. Program training includes basic machine fundamentals. Classes are conducted in an actual CNC machine shop environment at the RVCC Campus, equipped with Haas CNC machines, including four virtual machining controls, two CNC 3-Axis Milling Centers, and two CNC 2-Axis Lathe turning centers. The training lab also has two ACER Bridgeport style Mills, two ACER engine lathes, Four ProTraK Manual/CNC combination Mills, two ProTrak Engine/CNC lathe turning centers, two surface grinders, vertical band saw, Optical Comparator, Standard drill press, and other basic machinery.

    In the lab, students will learn to read and interpret blueprints, handle precision measurement tools, and receive an OSHA-10 card.

    Students will have the opportunity to earn the following certificates;

    Measurement Material and Safety
    Drill Press Skills I
    Job Planning, Benchwork & Layout

    The Machining Fundamentals course is required for all Advanced Manufacturing programs.  Experience may exempt you from this requirement.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MACH 120 - Manual Mill Operator

    350 hours (non-credit)

    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of MACH 110 - Machining Fundamentals .
    MACH 120 -  Manual Mill Operator credential program is a NIMS credentialed certificate program. Graduates of the program will be prepared to enter careers as Manual Mill Machine Operators. Upon successful course completion, students will receive the NIMS Measurement Material and Safety and Grinding Skills Certificates. This program is designed to mirror the workplace as closely as possible.  All graduates will be required to demonstrate their ability to perform all tasks and skills at workplace ready levels.  This program provides extensive hands-on experience performing all tasks identified by industry experts and local employers. Program training includes basic machine fundamentals. Classes are conducted in an actual CNC machine shop environment at the RVCC Campus, equipped with Haas CNC machines, including four virtual machining controls, two CNC 3-Axis Milling Centers, and two CNC 2-Axis Lathe turning centers. The training lab also has two ACER Bridgeport style Mills, two ACER engine lathes, Four ProTraK Manual/CNC combination Mills, two ProTrak Engine/CNC lathe turning centers, two surface grinders, vertical band saw, Optical Comparator, Standard drill press, and other basic machinery.

    Students will have the opportunity to earn the following certificates;

    Grinding Skills I
    Manual Milling Skills I

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MACH 130 - Engine Lathe Operator

    350 hours (non-credit)

    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of MACH 110 - Machining Fundamentals .

    MACH 130 - Engine Lathe Operator credential program is a NIMS credentialed certificate program. Graduates of the program will be prepared to enter careers as Engine Lathe Machine Operators. Upon successful course completion, students will receive The NIMS Turning Operations: Turning Between Centers and Turning Operations: Turning Chucking Skills credentials. This program is designed to mirror the workplace as closely as possible.  All graduates will be required to demonstrate their ability to perform all tasks and skills at workplace ready levels.  This program provides extensive hands-on experience performing all tasks identified by industry experts and local employers. Program training includes basic machine fundamentals. Classes are conducted in an actual CNC machine shop environment at the RVCC Campus, equipped with Haas CNC machines, including four virtual machining controls, two CNC 3-Axis Milling Centers, and two CNC 2-Axis Lathe turning centers. The training lab also has two ACER Bridgeport style Mills, two ACER engine lathes, Four ProTraK Manual/CNC combination Mills, two ProTrak Engine/CNC lathe turning centers, two surface grinders, vertical band saw, Optical Comparator, Standard drill press, and other basic machinery.

    Students will have the opportunity to earn the following certificates:

    Turning Operations: Turning Between Centers
    Turning Operations: Turning Chucking Skills

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATC 128 - Medical Assistant Professional Practicum

    (3 Lecture ,32.5 Practicum Hours Per Week) 6 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MATC 121 - Clinical Medical Assistant Principles  MATC 116 - Phlebotomy Theory and Lab , HLTH 107 - Pathophysiology , HLTH 109 - Pharmacology .
    The Professional Practicum course is designed to provide the medical assistant student with administrative and clinical experience in the medical assisting field.  The practicum site will provide the student with a broad base of “hands-on” experiences.  Emphasis is placed on preparing the student to perform safely and competently in an administrative and clinical environment.  Students are to maintain a consistent level of professionalism, appearance, and attendance throughout the entire practicum.  Students will sign a statement at the beginning of the practicum advising them they will not be paid for practicum services and they must provide their own transportation to the practicum site.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 015 - Basic Mathematics

    (0,2) 2 Non-Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on placement test.
    This course is designed to strengthen computational skills and to review arithmetic concepts in preparation for the study of algebra. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals, with an emphasis on order of operations.  Also included: exponent and square root notation, ratios, proportions, percents, systems of measurement, geometry formulas and introduction to signed numbers.  The course covers arithmetic topics in a technology based setting and engages students in active learning that is modular, self-paced, and adaptable to various learning styles.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 015C - Basic Mathematics Lecture Enhanced

    (4,0) 4 Non-Credits

    This course is designed to strengthen computational skills and to review arithmetic concepts in preparation for the study of algebra. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals, with an emphasis on order of operations.  Also included: exponent and square root notation, ratios, proportions, percents, systems of measurement, geometry formulas and introduction to signed numbers.  Students move through the course in a lecture-workshop environment.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 020 - Elementary Algebra

    (4,0) 4 Non-Credits

    Prerequisite(s):    or appropriate score on placement test.
    This course is designed to provide an introduction to and development of elementary algebra concepts.  Topics include exponents, polynomials, factoring, solving first degree equations and inequalities, rational and radical expressions, quadratic equations, techniques of graphing, systems of equations and applications.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 020W - Elementary Algebra with Workshop

    (6,0) 6 Non-Credits

    Prerequisite(s):  MATH 015 Basic Mathematics  or appropriate placement score.
    This course is designed to provide an introduction to and development of elementary algebra concepts.  Topics include exponents, polynomials, factoring, solving first degree equations and inequalities, rational and radical expressions, quadratic equations, techniques of graphing, systems of equations and applications.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 030 - Intermediate Algebra

    (4,0) 4 Non-Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 020 - Elementary Algebra  , MATH 020W - Elementary Algebra with Workshop  , or appropriate score on placement test.
    This course is designed to expand on the concepts in Elementary Algebra and prepare students for success in Precalculus and Statistics courses.  The topics include advanced factoring, systems of equations and inequalities, numerical and graphical solutions of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, rational and radical expressions and equations, integer and rational exponents, absolute value equations, introduction to functions and their graphs, introduction to circles.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 030R - Intermediate Algebra w/Basic Algebra Review

    (6,0) 6 Non-Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 020 - Elementary Algebra   , MATH 020W - Elementary Algebra with Workshop  , or appropriate score on the placement test.
    This course is designed to review and expand on the concepts in Elementary Algebra and prepare students for success in Precalculus and Statistics courses. The topics are the same as those in Intermediate Algebra with additional focus on reviewing algebra foundations.  The topics include advanced factoring, systems of equations and inequalities, numerical and graphical solutions of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, rational and radical expressions and equations, integer and rational exponents, absolute value equations, introduction to functions and their graphs, introduction to circles.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 101R - Number Systems with Review

    (4,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory score on a placement test.
    A survey course designed to serve the needs of liberal arts majors.  The topics are the same as those in Number Systems with additional focus on reviewing appropriate algebra foundations as needed.  Topics include systems of enumeration, sets and set operations , logic, problem solving strategies, modular arithmetic, Euclidean geometry, and number theory.  MATH 101R will not satisfy mathematics requirements for students in science, mathematics, and Business Administration AS programs.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 103C - Quantitative Reasoning

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 020 - Elementary Algebra  , MATH 020W Elementary Algebra with Workshop  or satisfactory score on a placement test.
    Quantitative Reasoning is designed for students who need a general education math course for their major or program. This course builds upon algebra and introduces mathematical concepts that students will apply to solve quantitative reasoning problems. Topics include concepts, methods and visual representation in numerical reasoning, statistical thinking and problem solving. Students will apply these to problems in areas such as personal finance, environment, population, health applications and data in students’ daily lives.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 111 - Statistics II

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or better in MATH 110 - Statistics I  .
    This course is a continuation of Statistics I.  Topics include description and analysis of bivariate data, regression and correlation, inferences in regression, chi-square procedures, inferences in two means and proportions, simple experimental design, analysis of variance, and optional non-parametric tests.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 111H - Statistics II - Honors

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 110 - Statistics I  or AP Statistics Score of 4 or above.
    This course is a continuation of Statistics I.  Topics include description and analysis of bivariate data, regression and correlation, inferences in regression, chi-square procedures, inferences in two means and proportions, simple experimental design, analysis of variance, and optional non-parametric tests.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 113 - Precalculus II

    (3,1) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 112 - Precalculus I , with a grade of C or higher.
    This course is designed as the second semester of a two semester sequence for students preparing to study calculus. Topics include the study of trigonometric functions and other topics from trigonometry and analytic geometry.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 114H - Precalculus - Honors

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of instructor; and MATH 030 Intermediate Algebra  or MATH 030R Intermediate Algebra w/Basic Algebra Review  or appropriate score on Placement Test. 
    This is an honors course designed for students preparing to study calculus. The material covered in this course combines the material in BOTH MATH 112 Precalculus I and MATH 113 Precalculus II.  As an honors course, it addresses the standard material in greater depth, and includes additional materials. Topics include the study of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions and other topics from algebra, trigonometry and analytic geometry. The additional materials include sequences and series of arithmetic and geometric progressions, and the binomial theorem. Students who successfully complete Precalculus Honors can proceed directly into the study of calculus.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 115H - Summations, Sequence, Series - Honors

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): MATH 112 - Precalculus I , or MATH 113 - Precalculus II , or MATH 114H - Precalculus - Honors .
    This course is designed as an honors component to supplement existing courses at the precalculus level. This course is intended to provide students with exposure to relevant ideas for future courses in Calculus. Topics include arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums, infinite series, the binomial theorem, mathematical induction, permutations, combinations and probability. Offered in the fall semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 116H - Introduction to Limits - Honors

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): MATH 112 - Precalculus I , or MATH 113 - Precalculus II , or MATH 114H - Precalculus - Honors .
    This course is designed as an honors component to supplement existing courses at the precalculus level. The course is intended to provide students with exposure to relevant ideas for future courses in Calculus. Topics include intuitive concept of the limit of a function, introduction to the delta epsilon definition, limits at infinity, continuity, and the Intermediate Value Theorem. Offered in the spring semester.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 117H - Statistics - Honors

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of the instructor. MATH 030 - Intermediate Algebra , or MATH 030R Intermediate Algebra w/Basic Algebra Review  or appropriate score on math placement test.
    This is an honors course combining the material in both Math 110 Statistics I and Math 111 Statistics II, as well as topics of Experimental Design.  This course introduces the student to the methods and uses of statistical research.  Topics include descriptive displays and analysis, classical probability, the normal distribution, the sampling distribution of the mean, inferences concerning means, critical values, and p-values (Statistics I). Other topics include description and analysis of bivariate data, regression and correlation, inferences in regression, chi-square procedures, inferences in two means and proportions, simple experimental design, analysis of variance, and optional non-parametric tests (Statistics II). Experimental Design topics include randomized block designs, two-way factorial experiments, repeated measures, relationship between ANOVA and regression, two-stage nested designs, and estimation based on nested sampling.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 151 - Calculus I

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): Three-and-one-half years of college preparatory mathematics including Trigonometry and a satisfactory score on a placement test, or a CLEP test, or grade of C or better in MATH 113 - Precalculus II , or MATH 114H - Precalculus - Honors  .
    Introductory calculus with a technology-based computer laboratory component. Topics include limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and logarithmic, exponential, and other transcendental functions.  

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 151H - Calculus I - Honors

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of the instructor.  Three-and-one half years of college preparatory mathematics including Trigonometry and a satisfactory score on a placement test, or a CLEP test or grade of C or better in  MATH 113 Precalculus II  , or MATH 114H Precalculus - Honors .
    Introductory calculus with a technology-based computer laboratory component. Topics include limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and logarithmic, exponential, and other transcendental functions as well as the Binomial Theorem and Mathematical Induction.  Calculus application problems from business, the natural sciences and mathematics.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 152H - Calculus II - Honors

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.5 or permission of the instructor; AND MATH 151 Calculus I  or MATH 151H Calculus I - Honors  .
    The second semester of a three-semester sequence of introductory calculus with a technology-based computer laboratory component.  Topics include integration techniques, integration applications in various coordinate systems, indeterminate forms, improper integrals, infinite series, proofs, calculus application problems from business, the natural sciences, and mathematics.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 251 - Calculus III

    (3,2) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 152 - Calculus II  or MATH 152H Calculus II - Honors  with a grade of C or better.
    Third semester of calculus with a technology-based computer laboratory.  Topics include vectors, vector-valued functions, curves in space, functions of two or more variables, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line integrals, Green’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem. The Honors Option is available for this course.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 255 - Discrete Mathematics

    (4,0) 4 Credits

    General Education Course: Mathematics
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 152 - Calculus II  with a grade of C or higher or MATH 152H Calculus II - Honors  with a grade of C or higher or an AP score of 3 or higher on the Calculus BC exam.
    This course introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra and logic that are needed for computer science. It includes sets, relations, functions and proofs by induction along with their applications to problems in computer science.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MATH 296H - Mathematics and Statistics Capstone Research Honors

    (9 Hours Out of Class Student Work Per Week) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be enrolled in his or her last Honors College academic year before graduation.
    This course is intended to guide sophomore Honors College students from all disciplines through the stages of conducting a semester-long research project, and/or developing an artistic pursuit. Topics include planning, research and documentation, prose style and editing, document design, ethics, abstracts, and oral presentations. Because the course will enroll from different disciplines, students will also become acquainted with research topics, ways of framing arguments, and making points outside their fields of study, which will help them develop a more interdisciplinary perspective. Class will include research training, developing a timeline, as well as independent study and research.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 101 - Principles of Marketing

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Examines the process involved in creating goods and services to satisfy consumer wants and needs, including planning, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services. Relates marketing to the larger environment and covers a range of topics including marketing research, consumer behavior, global marketing and ethics/social responsibility.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 202 - E-Commerce

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MRKT 101 - Principles of Marketing  or permission of instructor.
    To succeed in today’s dynamic business environment, a marketing manager must understand how electronic business systems can enhance a business’s relationship with its customers. This course explores the complexities of electronic commerce. Business opportunities, challenges, and management strategies for success will be examined.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 210 - Digital Marketing

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MRKT 101 Principles of Marketing  or permission of instructor.
    This course provides an overview of digital marketing channels and their integration into an organization’s total marketing program. Students will explore existing and emerging technologies and strategies used by successful digital marketers to acquire, cultivate and measure customer relationships. Topics include search marketing and search engine optimization, website design and usability, content management, email, social media and mobile marketing and web analytics.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 220 - Consumer Behavior

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MRKT 101 - Principles of Marketing  or permission of instructor.
    Consumer Behavior will examine how various social science disciplines such as psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, and economics influence consumer behavior and how people perceive and process information, make decisions, and form attitudes. Students will explore the principal factors that influence consumers as individuals and decision makers as relates to the buying decision process and how marketers use these concepts to influence consumers.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 221 - Selling & Sales Management

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MRKT 101 - Principles of Marketing  or permission of instructor.
    This course examines the fundamental elements of the sales function. It integrates the development of skills associated with the job of professional selling with an examination of the role of the sales manager.  Topics include: techniques of selling and persuasion, building and maintaining relationships with clients, customer relationship management (CRM), ethical and legal issues, sales forecasting, territory management, use of technology to improve salesforce effectiveness, and issues concerning recruiting, selecting,training, motivating, compensating, and retaining salespeople.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MRKT 231 - Advertising

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MRKT 101 - Principles of Marketing  or permission of instructor.
    This course provides an overview of advertising and integrated marketing communications tools including:  sales promotion, direct response, public relations, personal selling, and new media. All aspects of the communication process, from planning, positioning, campaign development, and budgeting to evaluation and measurement will be covered. Advertising in a social, cultural, ethical and legal/regulatory context will be discussed.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 101 - Fundamentals of Music

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    This course is designed for non-major students with little or no prior understanding of music fundamentals, who wish to learn to read, write and comprehend music notation. Topics include pitch and rhythmic notation, scales, intervals, key and meter signatures, music symbols, basic aspects of melodic and harmonic construction, examination of the elements of music, and an introduction to ear training, sight-singing and the piano keyboard.  

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 102 - Music Appreciation

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Appreciation of the Arts
    Music Appreciation is for students with little or no previous musical background.  This course is recommended as an introductory course designed to increase the student’s enjoyment and understanding of music.  Students will learn enhanced listening skills with which to experience both recorded and live performances; they will learn to approach music as both an intellectual and an emotional activity; they will learn about music’s historical, sociological, cultural, and biographical contexts; and they will gain knowledge of the many traditions of music: art and folk music, Western (European classical) and non-Western (World) music, and American (classical, jazz, and popular) music.  Attendance at live performances is required.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 103 - Rock N’ Roll History and Culture

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Appreciation of the Arts
    This is an introductory course which traces the history of Rock N’ Roll music from its rise as a blending of White and African-American music traditions amidst the youth-oriented culture of post-World War II America to its subsequent diversification and internationalization. This history will be viewed in the context of the political, historical, demographic, cultural and technological forces at work in the modern and post-modern world.  The course will also encourage the development of qualitative and quantitative listening skills and will incorporate extensive use of recorded musical examples.  Students will be expected to complete listening and research assignments.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 105 - Survey of Jazz Music

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Appreciation of the Arts
    This course is a survey of Jazz music which gives an overview of its development and repertory. Students will gain an understanding of Jazz as an art form, from its roots in Dixieland to Swing, Bebop, Cool Jazz, Hard Bop, Fusion and current trends.  Major innovators and cultural contexts will also be explored.  Students will be required to attend and critique off-campus Jazz performances

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 107 - Introduction to World Music

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    General Education Course: Humanities-Appreciation of the Arts, Global and Cultural Awareness
    This course will introduce students to the musical traditions of a variety of non-Western cultures, through recorded examples, lecture-demonstrations and live, in-class performances.  The course will explore how the elements of music are treated in different cultures, and what musical ideas are common to all cultures.  It will also examine the role music plays in the everyday life in different societies.  Finally, it will examine how music today reflects the phenomenon of globalization by combining elements of different musical cultures.  


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 111 - Music Theory I

    (3,0) 3 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Interview with Music Faculty member for purpose of placement. 
    Corequisite(s): MUSC 113 - Musicianship I .
    Interview with Music Faculty member for purpose of placement.  Theory I is designed primarily for music majors and requires concurrent enrollment in Musicianship I (MUSC 113).  Music Theory I, II, III, and IV must be taken in sequence.  Music Theory I contains the fundamentals of music notation, scales, modes, intervals, keys and tonality and the study of basic harmony.


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 113 - Musicianship I

    (0,2) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): Interview with Music Faculty member for purpose of placement.
    Corequisite(s): MUSC 111 - Music Theory I .
    Musicianship I is designed primarily for music majors and requires concurrent enrollment in Music Theory I (MUSC 111).  Musicianship I, II, III, and IV must be taken in sequence.    Musicianship I will develop skills in music reading, sight singing, ear training, and keyboard harmony.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 121 - Keyboard Skills I

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    This course will develop the basic skills of keyboard playing, music reading, and keyboard techniques such as scales, chords, hand position and fingering. Beginning exercises and introductory piano literature will be assigned. The course is designed for the student with little or no prior keyboard experience.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 123 - Voice Class I

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    This is an introductory level course designed to begin the development of vocal potential and to lay a foundation for proper vocal production. Materials studied may include vocal exercises, folk songs, English and Italian art songs, popular standards and musical theatre selections.   Repertory will be assigned according to the student’s needs, abilities and preferences.  This course is designed primarily for persons with little or no singing experience (music majors with voice as their primary instrument should enroll in Applied Music/private instruction).  The ability to read music is helpful but not required. Voice I is the first of a four semester sequence.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 124 - Voice Class II

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MUSC 123 - Voice Class I  or Department permission.
    This course is a continuation of Voice Class I and is intended to be the second of a four-semester sequence.   It is designed to further develop vocal production. Materials studied may include vocal exercises, English, Italian and German or French art songs, popular standards, and musical theatre selections.  Repertory will be assigned according to the student’s needs, abilities and preferences.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 125 - Guitar Class I

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    Guitar Class I teaches the basic skills of guitar playing including music theory, technique exercises, chord forms and rhythms.  Level 1 reading etudes and songs will be assigned for classroom performance.  This class is designed for students with little or no previous guitar background.  Music majors whose primary instrument is guitar should enroll in Applied Music/private lessons.  Students must provide their own guitars (acoustic or electric with amplifiers). 


    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 126 - Guitar Class II

    (1,2) 2 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MUSC 125 - Guitar Class I  or Department permission.
    This course is a continuation of Guitar Class I.  Level 2 will advance music reading, applications of music theory and performance.  Students will perform scales, chords, etudes, accompaniments and other assigned solo and ensemble repertoire.  Students must provide their own guitars (acoustic or electric with amplifier).  Music majors, whose primary instrument is guitar, should enroll in Applied Music/private instruction.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 131 - Applied Music: Primary Instrument I

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): Approval required for  MUSC 131 Applied Music: Primary Instrument I  only by interview with Music department faculty before enrollment, as subsequently, each completed semester becomes the prerequisite for the next in the Applied sequence.  Audition with an approved private instructor may also be required.
    This course sequence is designed primarily for the music major for advanced study or for those with adequate background.  
    This performance study is primarily intended to prepare the music major for a transfer program entrance audition and for advanced applied music study. Students will arrange with the applied instructor for a minimum of twelve weekly lessons during the semester. Repertory studied will vary according to the student’s instrument or voice and performance level. Students are required to perform for a faculty jury at the conclusion of each semester and may be invited to perform in the Department’s public music student recitals.
    Fees for the weekly lessons will be paid directly to the private instructor.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 132 - Applied Music: Primary Instrument II

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s):   .
    This course sequence is designed primarily for the music major for advanced study or for those with adequate background.  
    This performance study is primarily intended to prepare the music major for a transfer program entrance audition and for advanced applied music study. Students will arrange with the applied instructor for a minimum of twelve weekly lessons during the semester. Repertory studied will vary according to the student’s instrument or voice and performance level. Students are required to perform for a faculty jury at the conclusion of each semester and may be invited to perform in the Department’s public music student recitals.
    Fees for the weekly lessons will be paid directly to the private instructor.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 133 - Applied Music: Secondary Instrument I

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): Approval by RVCC music faculty and audition with private instructor.
    This course is for music majors with adequate background. This course provides credit for individual performance study on an instrument or voice with a member of the music faculty or a private teacher (off-campus) approved by the music faculty.  It is essential that music majors focus their expertise on their primary instrument in preparation for college audition, but it may be appropriate for some to maintain private lessons on a secondary instrument as well.  Students will arrange with a private instructor for a minimum of twelve weekly lessons during the semester.  Repertory studied will vary according to the student’s instrument or voice and performance level and be recommended by the private teacher.  Students are required to perform for a faculty jury each semester and to perform in at least one student recital a year.  Fees for the weekly lessons will be paid directly to the private instructor.   Further information on course procedures and a list of approved teachers are available from the Visual and Performing Arts music faculty.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 134 - Applied Music: Secondary Instrument II

    (1,0) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s):   .
    This course is for music majors with adequate background. This course provides credit for individual performance study on an instrument or voice with a member of the music faculty or a private teacher (off-campus) approved by the music faculty.  It is essential that music majors focus their expertise on their primary instrument in preparation for college audition, but it may be appropriate for some to maintain private lessons on a secondary instrument as well.  Students will arrange with a private instructor for a minimum of twelve weekly lessons during the semester.  Repertory studied will vary according to the student’s instrument or voice and performance level and be recommended by the private teacher.  Students are required to perform for a faculty jury each semester and to perform in at least one student recital a year.  Fees for the weekly lessons will be paid directly to the private instructor.   Further information on course procedures and a list of approved teachers are available from the Visual and Performing Arts music faculty.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 149, 150, 249, 250 - RVCC Chamber Music I, II, III, IV

    (0,3) 1 Credit

    Audition/approval is required for RVCC Chamber Music I only. Each consecutive course becomes the prerequisite for the next level. This small ensemble course provides opportunity for the study and performance of chamber music literature in a wide variety of styles. Weekly rehearsals and one or more public performances are required. For the music major, RVCC Chamber Music I, II, III and IV should be taken in sequence, and different repertory will be featured each semester. Students will improve their ensemble skills and their music reading ability. Other students (not music majors) may take Chamber Music on a credit or non-credit basis. Other interested community participants are welcome to join the RVCC Chamber Music on a non-credit, fee-paying basis through the Division of Corporate and Continuing Education.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 151 - RVCC Chorale I

    (0,3) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): Audition/approval is required for RVCC Chorale I only. Each consecutive course becomes the prerequisite for the next level.
    This large ensemble course provides opportunity for the study and performance of choral literature in a wide variety of styles.  Weekly rehearsals and one or more public performances are required.  For the music major, RVCC Chorale I, II, III and IV should be taken in sequence, and different repertory will be featured each semester.  Students will improve their ensemble skills and their music reading ability.  Other students (not music majors) may take Chorale on a credit or non-credit basis.  Other interested community participants are welcome to join the RVCC Chorale on a non-credit, fee-paying basis through the Division of Corporate and Continuing Education.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 152 - RVCC Chorale II

    (0,3) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): MUSC 151 - RVCC Chorale I .
    This large ensemble course provides opportunity for the study and performance of choral literature in a wide variety of styles.  Weekly rehearsals and one or more public performances are required.  For the music major, RVCC Chorale I, II, III and IV should be taken in sequence, and different repertory will be featured each semester.  Students will improve their ensemble skills and their music reading ability.  Other students (not music majors) may take Chorale on a credit or non-credit basis.  Other interested community participants are welcome to join the RVCC Chorale on a non-credit, fee-paying basis through the Division of Corporate and Continuing Education.

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 153 - Concert Band I

    (0,3) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s): Approval required for MUSC 153 Concert Band I  only, by interview with Music Department faculty before enrollment; as each completed course becomes the prerequisite for the next in the Concert Band Sequence.  Audition for the Band may also be required.
    This large ensemble course provides opportunity for the study and performance of standard concert band repertory in a wide variety of styles.  Weekly rehearsals and one or more public performances are required.  In lieu of such an organization sponsored by RVCC, students may play in an approved concert band off campus. 

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections

  • MUSC 154 - Concert Band II

    (0,3) 1 Credit

    Prerequisite(s):   .
    This large ensemble course provides opportunity for the study and performance of standard concert band repertory in a wide variety of styles. Weekly rehearsals and one or more public performances are required.  In lieu of such an organization sponsored by RVCC, students may play in an approved concert band off campus. 

    Summer 2024 Course Selections

    Fall 2024 Course Selections


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