Jan 15, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Business Option in Business Administration, Associate of Science

The Business Administration program prepares students for transfer into the junior year at four-year colleges or universities. In today’s competitive business environment, a Bachelor’s degree is often the minimum educational requirement when seeking a job.  A four-year degree may also increase your potential for career advancement and is linked to higher lifetime earnings.  This program has a core business curriculum and allows students to select business electives appropriate for their transfer college program.

Graduates will be able to:
     • demonstrate a basic knowledge of accounting, economics, management, and marketing
     • critically analyze and interpret information to solve problems and make business decisions
     • apply quantitative methods as a basis to examine business situations
     • recognize and evaluate ethical issues and situations 
     • determine the effects of behavioral factors on business outcomes
     • demonstrate effective business communication

This degree is offered through the Business and Public Service Department.

It is recommended that students check with their intended transfer school for specific program requirements.

Students enrolled in the Honors College should see their Honors College advisor for specific degree requirements.

Raritan Valley Community College Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs are designed to comply with the New Jersey Community Colleges General Education Foundation which supports transfer of courses to NJ Public four-year colleges and universities.  Students who intend to transfer to a NJ college or university can further improve the transfer of courses by using the Recommended Transfer Program (RTP) feature in NJTransfer.org.

Curriculum – A.S. Degree

Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Total Credits 63-64

1Select a course from the appropriate category of the General Education  list.
2 CISY 125 Programming for Business Majors  is an additional 1 credit corequisite course required for Business majors at Rutgers.

3 Mathematics by official placement test.  Students may not take courses below placement level. MATH 101 Number Systems , MATH 102 Problem Solving Strategies , and MATH 103C Quantitative Reasoning  may NOT be used to satisfy the math.  See transfer college requirements for math.  Students transferring into the Business program at Rutgers need MATH 151 Calculus I . Students transferring into the Business program at TCNJ need MATH 113 Precalculus II MATH 114H Precalculus - Honors  or MATH 151 Calculus I .  See course descriptions for prerequisites.

4Any course from ACCT, BUSI, ECON, or MRKT.

5 Students planning transfer to Rider or to Montclair for Business are required to take a foreign language. A two-semester sequence is required. Placement by examination is required for students who wish to continue studying a language previously studied. Students may not take courses below their placement level. For more information, see Foreign Language Placement Testing and Degree Requirements .

6 Any college-level course. It is recommended to check with your intended transfer school for additional math, science or language requirements.