The Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology prepares students for entry into the automotive service field as technicians or managers. Graduates are typically qualified for entry-level positions at new-car dealerships, independent repair shops, or franchise service centers. Graduates are also prepared for self-employment.
Instruction in the program includes engines, fuel and ignition systems, electronics, brakes, transmissions, steering, and suspensions systems. Training is conducted by a combination of class lecture and practical shop work, so that students can develop diagnostic and mechanical competencies. Courses in this degree prepare students to take the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification tests.
Students who have completed the Automotive Technology courses as part of the Certificate in Automotive Technology Program have the option to transfer credits from completed classes into the AAS degree program.
Each AUTC course is only offered once per year. Students must begin in the fall and complete the courses in sequence as listed below.
Graduates are able to:
- demonstrate the skills necessary to diagnose, service, and repair basic and advanced automotive systems encountered in skill level B and C to an acceptable competency according to the NATEF task list
- demonstrate an understanding of the automotive systems and use a systematic approach to select the proper method to diagnose, repair, and test automotive systems
- demonstrate the skills necessary to diagnose and repair various automotive systems using diagnostic tools and equipment to an acceptable standard in the automotive industry
- analyze automotive systems and perform effective diagnostic and repair procedures according to automotive industry standards
- demonstrate an understanding of the different systems being used in the modern automobile by acquiring at least 2 ASE technician level certificates offered by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence