Mar 29, 2025  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Courses


New Jersey General Education Foundation

All degree programs offered by RVCC contain a core of courses that fulfills General Education requirements established by the New Jersey Council of County Colleges (NJCCC). The purpose of these courses is to develop students’ intellectual capacities, abilities, and skills; and to expose students to the ideas and values of a broad range of academic fields including arts, communications, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, and technology. The specific General Education Learning Goals established by NJCCC are presented in the following table.

  Goal Category Course Criteria
1 Written and Oral Communication Students will communicate effectively in both speech and writing.
2 Quantitative Knowledge and Skills Students will use appropriate mathematical and statistical concepts and operations to interpret data and to solve problems.
3 Scientific Knowledge and Reasoning Students will use the scientific method of inquiry, through the acquisition of scientific knowledge.
4 Technological Competency/Information Literacy Students will use computer systems or other appropriate forms of technology to achieve educational and personal goals.
5 Society and Human Behavior Students will use social science theories and concepts to analyze human behavior and social and political institutions and to act as responsible citizens.
6 Humanistic Perspective Students will analyze works in the fields of art, history, music, or theater; literature; philosophy and/or religious studies; and/or will gain competence in the use of a foreign language.
7 Historical Perspective Students will understand historical events and movements in World, Western, non-Western or American societies and assess their subsequent significance.
8 Global and Cultural Awareness Students will understand the importance of a global perspective and culturally diverse peoples.
9 Ethical Reasoning and Action Students will understand ethical issues and situations.


The distribution of General Education course credits for RVCC degrees and certificates is presented in the following table.

General Education Goal Course Categories AA credits AS credits AAS, AFA, AS (Nursing) credits Certificate credits
1               9 Communication 9 6 6 3
                9 Mathematics - Science - Technology 12 9 3 3

Mathematics (3-8 credits)


Science (3-8 credits)


Technological Competency or Information Literacy (0-4 credits)

        5       9 Social Science 6 3 3 3
          6     9 Humanities 9 3
            7   9 History 6      
              8 9 Diversity courses 3
  Unassigned general education credit   6 8
Total 45 30 20 6


RVCC courses that satisfy these General Education requirements are listed below.


General Education Courses

English Composition




Foreign Language


(GCA) = Meets Global & Cultural Awareness Requirement for General Education Foundation


Computer Science (CISY) Programming Electives List

CIS Electives

Any Programming Elective can be used as a CIS Elective

* General Education Technological Competency Elective

Students in transfer programs are strongly encouraged to check the transferability of any course selected.

Math Curriculum Flowchart

Click here to view the Math Curriculum Flowchart (pdf)